Communications committee/Subcommittees/2006/08/18 Outage

On 18 August 2006 Wikimedia experienced an outage. Press have been contacting Wikimedia about the event. Here is a brief about this event:



Wikimedia Foundations were offline today for 2.5 hours due to a dispute between the Foundation's hosting provider Hostway and their IP transit provider Cogent. The Foundation is assured that this event is in no way related to Wikipedia or any other Foundation project, but rather sole an issue between the two companies.

Foundation engineers worked quickly to restore services The Foundation has secured new networking space and is working to prevent a recurrence of any similar interruption.

"This was an unfortunate case of collateral damage" said Brad Patrick of the Wikimedia Foundation. "It was a shock that something like this could happen to us without warning. We will do everything necessary to make sure our users have continuous access to our projects."