Communication Projects Group/Meetings/2007-06-27

21:26:47 <  bastique > But I can poke everyone else on channel
21:26:50 < Wiki_Blue > THD wants to knwo about socialtext
21:26:57 < Wiki_Blue > hey bastique
21:27:06 <  bastique > like CraigSpurrier_aw LeBron Martinp23 newmanbe and Platonides
21:27:21 <   schiste > they didnt faxed the contract back to the office ?
21:27:26 <  bastique > and what about that Gristock lady
21:27:37 < Wiki_Blue > i haven't seen any contract
21:27:54 < Wiki_Blue > i;ll ask just ot make sure, but almost positive
21:28:03            * schiste sighs
21:28:12 <   schiste > ok I send it to you in a sec
21:28:13 < Wiki_Blue > you have their number?
21:28:15 < Wiki_Blue > oaky
21:28:17 <   schiste > Hmmm
21:29:07 <   schiste > Yes, I send it to you
21:29:13 < Wiki_Blue > danka
21:30:10 <  bastique > So Sandy, think of what we want to accomplish
21:31:16 < Wiki_Blue > sec
21:31:19 < Wiki_Blue > gathering thoughs
21:31:50 < Wiki_Blue > btw, comproj members were helping with elections right?
21:32:47 < Martinp23 > bastique: pong.
21:32:50 <    LeBron > schiste helped but not as a ComProj afaik.
21:32:53 <  bastique > yay!
21:33:37            * schiste imagine Wiki_Blue running in the office with a butterfly net shouting "Don't worry I'm just gathering my thoughs"
21:33:44 < Wiki_Blue > LMAo
21:33:45 < Wiki_Blue > LMAO
21:33:47 < Wiki_Blue > okay
21:33:52 <   schiste > LeBron: well I did send a mail to many ml
21:33:58 <   schiste > to call for translators
21:34:09 <   schiste > that's "CPG" ...
21:34:13 < Wiki_Blue > lol
21:34:28 < Wiki_Blue > should we start?
21:34:39 < Wiki_Blue > butterfly net down
21:34:40 < Wiki_Blue > lol
21:34:45 <   schiste > huhu ^^
21:34:50 <   schiste > seanw:
21:35:16 < Wiki_Blue > LMAO BASTIQUE
21:35:29 <  bastique > oh,
21:38:04 <   schiste > Hmmm do you mind if we could *start*
21:38:13 <   schiste > I'm off in 20 minutes
21:39:27 < Wiki_Blue > okay
21:39:36 < Wiki_Blue > some people stated they only had a few minutes, so
21:39:39 < Wiki_Blue > we can just record minutes
21:39:44 < Wiki_Blue > i have three things
21:39:53 < Wiki_Blue > can i start? or does anyone else have anything else?
21:40:11 <   schiste > yes please go on :)
21:40:48 < Wiki_Blue > a) was sent out to press list....however, it would be nice if comproj members: a) start pitching in their own countires
21:41:10 < Wiki_Blue > and b) it would be nice to concentrate and make email about how to participate virtually
21:41:17 < Wiki_Blue > can someone help with b?
21:41:27 < Wiki_Blue > (to send another email maybe a week before)
21:41:35 <   schiste > participate to CPG?
21:41:43 < Wiki_Blue > Wikimania
21:41:46 <    LeBron > Nah to wikimania.
21:41:51 <   schiste > ok
21:42:21 < Wiki_Blue > second, honeslty, i've said this before, comproj has kicked butt in the last weeks
21:42:34 < Wiki_Blue > and now we have some foundational tools thanks to you guys so....
21:42:54 <   schiste > I won't have time before monday, but then I think I could help on that
21:43:06 < Wiki_Blue > 2) Can we start brainstorming for future, and maybe start writing a 2007-2008 plan, and
21:43:21 < Wiki_Blue > start going around the projects, asking them what htey need or what cool projects they are working on
21:43:34 < Wiki_Blue > like ...September is Wiktionary month
21:43:47 < Wiki_Blue > and we create one project that month to help publisize wiktionary
21:43:57 < Wiki_Blue > so we are mroe organized and focused?
21:43:58 <  bastique > Wikibooks
21:44:03 <  bastique > :)
21:44:06 < Wiki_Blue > def.
21:44:15 <  bastique > cross language
21:44:41 < Wiki_Blue > i can start a calendar on comproj page tomorrow
21:44:51 < Wiki_Blue > and if people can put ideas, that would be great
21:44:57 <   schiste > That'd be neat
21:45:19 < Wiki_Blue > lastly, it just occured to me that maybe it would be cool to have a comproj rep that is responsible for
21:45:20 <  bastique > And use the list
21:45:39 < Wiki_Blue > contacting chapters, keeping in touch with them, checking up if they need help, etc
21:45:46 < Wiki_Blue > thats all
21:46:02 <  bastique > Exactly
21:46:44 <    LeBron > Mmh, would it not impinge on the ChapCom?
21:47:04 <   schiste > who's still active in there apart from delphine?
21:47:17 < Wiki_Blue > well, i would suggest htis person get in touch with delphine as well
21:47:43 <   schiste > LeBron:  can do that !
21:47:56 < Wiki_Blue > just so they know we are here..and available
21:48:05 < Wiki_Blue > and ready to help with any com projects they may have
21:48:05 <    LeBron > Errr. Me ?
21:48:10 <   schiste > ^^
21:48:11 < Wiki_Blue > lol
21:48:23 < Wiki_Blue > we don't have to decide right now
21:48:26 < Wiki_Blue > but i think it would be nice
21:48:55 <   schiste > ok
21:49:06 < Wiki_Blue > anyone else?
21:49:36 <  bastique > seanw has been busy with his IRC type duties
21:49:44 <   schiste > I'm trying to make a LSS revival, but well have no time to handle it alone
21:49:51 <  bastique > LSS ?
21:49:56 <  bastique > Is that some Mormon thing?
21:50:06 <   schiste >
21:50:33 <   schiste > no, its a new experimental drug to increase foundation revenue
21:50:39 < Wiki_Blue > ohh thats a big project
21:50:40 < Wiki_Blue > LMAO
21:50:41 <  bastique > oh
21:51:00 <  bastique > It's a lot of work
21:51:03 <   schiste > yes
21:51:12 < Wiki_Blue > i guess you've asked for help already?
21:51:22 <   schiste > yes
21:51:26 <   schiste > and had none
21:52:01 < Wiki_Blue > you know
21:52:06 < Wiki_Blue > this is a bit insane
21:52:07 <    LeBron > Well i think people stopped helping when they realized most people read English.
21:52:10 < Wiki_Blue > but going with this...
21:52:19 < Wiki_Blue > meta...could def. need  some structuring and might help with this
21:52:28 < Wiki_Blue > if people knew there was an easy place to post things quickly
21:52:31 <   schiste > LeBron:  hmmm well seeing the "Feedback" reactions
21:52:43 <   schiste > I think people don't care about foundation
21:52:53 <   schiste > that's partly why I didn't continue
21:52:56 <    LeBron > When i was doing the translation for fr: it seems only 3 people read it.
21:52:58 < Platonide > LSS should use the gmane links
21:53:08 < Platonide > they are more stable
21:53:16 <  bastique > They call it troll-l
21:55:49 < Wiki_Blue > kay is that all?
21:56:03 <   schiste > think so
21:56:05 < Wiki_Blue > i'll post summary of this meeting
21:56:08 < Wiki_Blue > on comproj
21:56:11 < Wiki_Blue > since sean isn't here.
21:56:16 < Wiki_Blue > Big kiss to everyone!
21:56:18 < Wiki_Blue > :)
21:56:33 <   schiste > :) kisses have a nice day ;)
21:56:36 <  bastique > Martinp23 is here though
21:56:58 < Martinp23 > I have logged it :)
21:57:03 < Wiki_Blue > awesome!