Chapters Committee/Resolutions/Term of chapcom members and advisors - December 2007
- Mover: Cartman02au
- Seconder: Delphine
The resolution in a nutshell
Add a duration to members' and advisors' terms.
Allow for more rotation within the chapters committee by making sure that people are asked on a regular basis whether or not they want to continue their involvement with the chapters committee. Give an opportunity for people who are interested in the chapters committee's work to apply at a given date.
The chapters committee hereby resolves that the term of the committee's members and advisers shall be 1 year.
Chapters committee members and advisers who joined on December 1st, 2007, will see their term expire on November 30th, 2008. The term for members and advisers who joined earlier will expire on May 31st, 2008.
Members and advisers can be reappointed for one year at a time. Members who do not wish to renew their term will be replaced by new applicants.
Resolution passed with 5 votes in favor, 0 votes against, 1 votes not cast on 5 December 2007.