Celtic Knot Conference 2019/Submissions/EMLex Wiktionary HackFest

Submission no.
Title of the submission

EMLex Wiktionary HackFest

Type of submission (Lightening talk, panel, tutorial/workshop, Presentation)


Author of the submission

Adrián Estévez

Language of presentation


E-mail address




Country of origin


Affiliation, if any (organisation, company etc.)

Wikimedia España - Wikimedia Portugal

Personal homepage or blog
Abstract (up to 300 words to describe your proposal)

Last november was organized the first EMLex Wiktionary HackFest. In it, students of the European Master in Lexicography learned how to edit in Wiktionary. Eneko López de Subijana, user of basque Wiktionary, made an introduction to the project, its objectives and its structure. Then, I made an introduction to the Wiktionary in galician language, and I told the students how to edit in Wiki format. After that, we had a workshop, where 28 people from many countries edited in 11 Wiktionaries about words in 14 languages: Galician, Portuguese, Basque, Italian, English, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Armenian, Polish, Indonesian, Hungarian and even Diula. On the self-assessment session there where several interesting proposals, as use the Swadesh list in scholar projects. We'll try to organize the second EMLex Wiktionary HackFest next november.

What will attendees take away from this session?

Attendees will have the opportunity of learn how to organize an event to spread the Wiktionary project, specially useful in minority languages without a reference dictionary. They could give feedback and help with some problems we had (absence of stylebook, use of corpus, foreign alphabets characters...).

Theme of session
  • Language Data

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Slides or further information (optional)
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Is this Submission a Draft or Final?


Interested attendees


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  1. VIGNERON * discut.