Campaigns/Foundation Product Team/Update 3
Hello Campaigns Product Newsletter subscribers!
We are excited to share our updates:
- Proposal to create new namespaces: We have proposed to create two namespaces, which are “Event” and “Event talk.” This way, we can easily create an Event Center that pulls data from event pages. This Event Center may include tools to create event pages with registration support, a calendar of events, and event statistics, among other features. More importantly, the Event Center will highlight organizing as an essential part of the Wikimedia movement. Please give us feedback on Phabricator or Meta about our proposal to create two new namespaces.
- Engineering updates: We are excited that we have finished hiring for our engineering team! Three engineers and an engineering manager have joined our team since our last update. In the last few months, they have conducted technical planning and launched the building phase of the project. They are now building the registration tool. You can see the updated team on meta.
- Design updates: We conducted usability tests with a small group of testers for early feedback on the desktop wireframes. After collecting this feedback, we have developed a new version for desktop wireframes, which will be ready to share in the next few weeks. These desktop wireframes display the user flow of two experiences: one for organizers who want to add registration to their event pages, and another for participants who want to register for an event. Additionally, the design team is also currently working on the first version of mobile wireframes, which will be shared during the next office hour.
- 1. View the latest desktop wireframes in Figma for Campaign Organizer Prototype and Participant Registration Prototype.
- 2. Leave us some feedback on the desktop wireframes. Note that we haven’t posted the newest version of the desktop wireframes on the project page yet, but we will soon (and you can feel free to add feedback on any version you have seen).
- Ambassador updates: Three product ambassadors for the Arabic, French and Swahili communities have now joined our team! They will help us collect feedback from Wikimedia communities about the project and understand the needs of organizers, through gathering first-hand information. These ambassadors are immersed as actual members of these communities, so they will also help us identify the needs of the organizers in our pilot communities. The ambassadors are: M. Bachounda for Arabic communities, Georges Fodouop for French communities, and Antoni Mtavangu for Swahili communities.
What is next?
- Next Office Hour: We will be holding an office hour on March 31, 2022 at 15:00 UTC, which will be conducted via Zoom. We invite everyone to attend, and we really hope to see you! The focus will be on the Registration Tool. The team will also be providing community updates on the usability test findings and design highlights for the wireframes. We will also share our current Project timeline and answer any questions you may have. Join us and share your thoughts on these developments!
- In a few months, we are expecting to have the early testable version of the tool. By then, the team will be doing the first round of general testing and gathering feedback. We are looking forward to adding more features on the tool such as communication support, potentially by the end of this year. If you know other organizers that might be interested in following these developments, please recommend that they subscribe to the newsletter. We want to receive as much feedback as we can.
Thank you!
The Campaign Product Team