Affiliate-selected Board seats/2019/Nominations/User:Yithello

- Yuri Chernetskiy
Wikimedia username:
Questions for all candidates - Questions for this individual candidate that do not apply to other candidates
editПривіт! I'm from Ukraine. In December 2018, I set out to expand the content of the Ukrainian-language Wikiversity. In 2007, on the platform of Beta-Wikiversity already this unit was launched. However, in November 2018, he was still not well-stocked with proper materials. At the same time, I was faced with an urgent question on the translation of reference materials. So I began to translate Wiki content in Ukrainian, which is about Wikiversity.
Recently on my page I received a message from Elitre (WMF). This was an offer I read incorrectly. That was my mistake. I understood this proposal as if I was offered to submit my candidacy for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. I met this offer one day before Easter holidays. So, I did not have much time to deal with the essence of the issue. After all, until the 30th of April, a little remained. Just a few hours before the festive event of the millennia, I created this page for my application. Today I do not regret it.
I am interested in the fact that the Ukrainian language may become active in the list of proposals for translation by the link for translation. Although I personally do not speak English, however, all the text in English was written here without any help. I use a certain algorithm that will be effective for every person. I'm happy to share this algorithm with all the Wikipedists of the World.
editI joined the Ukrainian-language Wikipedia on October 24, 2014 from the territory of Ukraine. Here, in the circle of my interests from the very beginning included mathematical discipline. The topic that caused my particular interest was not the subject of the coverage of my country's mathematicians throughout the twentieth century. So, there is a complete lack of sources with this topic in my native language, that is Ukrainian. Accordingly, in Ukrainian-language Wikipedia there is a shortage of articles on this topic. However, in the tradition of European mathematical thought, this topic evolved from the second half of the nineteenth century. Therefore, Wikipedia European languages contain a large array of articles on this topic. In addition, this thematic material is characterized by a multitude of specialized terms, which, accordingly, has no analogues in the Ukrainian language. This further complicates the translation of such articles into Ukrainian.
Since my accession to Wikipedia in 2014, I have been constantly looking for a way out of this situation. Has taken different approaches to solve these complex problems. I found one method based on articles from Wikipedia itself. Not knowing most other languages, I had to translate texts with the help of a Google translator. It turned out that the whole process is relatively simple to apply. It can be relatively easy to help many common Wikipedia users.
This can greatly facilitate the development of all Wiki projects in different languages with small communities of active users. I am pleased to help all these development communities in filling the content of their linguistic wiki projects. For, as an example of our Ukrainian-language Wikipedia, I know how important it is to each other community of Wiki.
editI freely dispose of my time. Without any restrictions, I will be able to draw attention to the needs of the Wiki multilingual community.