Admin activity review/2018

This was the coordination page for the admin activity review round for 2018, started on 1 January 2019.


Process Responsible user(s) Date of completion
Run script to find out inactive users; see /Data.
Openbk 5 January 2019
Marking wikis which have arbcoms and/or own activity review processes, as well as special wikis on /Data.
Openbk 5 January 2019
Sending notice to communities.
n/a 19 June 2019
Sending notice to single users.
n/a 19 June 2019
Receive answers from communities on SN & answer questions.
n/a n/a
Do stuff as described in the policy/notice
n/a 2019-07-21 (finished)

Translations, etc. (subpages)
