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Position Name Photo Introduction
Lead Coordinator Mervat Salman
Secretary Abbad Diraneyya I am a blogger, writer and translator. My biggest passion is writing about the stuff I find interesting, particularly sciences like Astronomy, Physics and Nature. I wrote my first Wikipedia article in 2009, since then, I have created about a thousand others. I was a sysop from 2012 to 2015, I have also participated at several points in the OTRS, Wikipedia education program and wiki loves monuments. I attended Wikimania in both Hong Kong and London; it was an amazing experience for me and I aim to deliver it, as much as possible, to the Arabic Wikimedia community.
Treasurer Rami Tarawneh
Media Mohammad Hajeer
Organizer Nidal Jarrar
Organizer Bilal Dweik
Communication Bassem Fleifel
Travel and Visa
Regional challenges
Priority Areas
Media information
Organizing team