Kilo Ken Carta Mafia

Kilo Ken (born Kenneth Gooden) is a new and upcoming rap artist with the group "Carta Mafia". Striving to advance Oklahoma's recent hip-hop/rap scene, Kilo Ken has worked with many artists statewide in many different studios. Thereby keeping money flowing in the music industry for independant organizations and entrepenuers.

Bio edit

One of the orginal Carta Mafia affiliates, Kilo Ken has been featuered on 4 Carta Mafia Mixtapes under the previous stage name "Big Steel". With no immediate plans for an album, Kenneth currently focuses on promotions and production. Recent co-workers include 2-tone, Blacc, Yung O, Juell Records, Bakroom Records, and Porter House Records.

Recent Music edit

These pages provide a preview of current tracks by Kilo Ken. [1] [2]