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        Year: 2011  Week: 40  Techflash       

           An independent internal news bulletin 
         for the members of the Wikimedia community



Hi again folks,

We want to run another set of banners to recruit translators for the
fundraiser this week, in some areas overlapping with the WLM banners.

If it is alright with you we would like to do it the same way we did
previously, namely with a rough 25-75 split with the WLM banners, so
they are still shown. The banners will only run for logged-in users,
so anonymous users will not be affected. 

The countries that will be affected are these:

* Tuesday 27th
** 17:00–21:00 UTC: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands
** 15:00–21:00 UTC: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Andorra

* Wednesday 28th
** 17:00–22:00 UTC: Portugal, Spain

* Thursday 29th
** 12:00–23:59 UTC: Poland

* Friday 30th
** 12:00–23:59 UTC: Russia, Hungary, Estonia, Romania

Please let me know if there is a problem – and sorry about the late
notice for the ones tomorrow.

Jon Harald Søby
Community Fellow
Wikimedia Foundation

=== Request for help ===

[Sign-up for translation] - Frequently there are messages that need to be translated in, if possible, all the languages of the projects. If you like to volunteer to be a translator you can register yourself (see link) so when you are needed you can be contacted. 

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// makes no guarantee of accuracy, validity and 
especially but not limited to, correct grammar and spelling.
Satisfaction is not guaranteed. Some content can be highly
inspired or directly copied from other sources. 
Those sources are listed above at "Sources-Attributions". is published by [[meta:user:Walter]].
Content is available under Creative Commons 
Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0