Wikisource Conference 2025/Submissions/The Library to Digital Archive Pipeline
- Title of the submitted proposal: The Library to Digital Archive Pipeline
- Description: I want the speaker and the audience to collaboratively establish the theoretical pipeline that connects the physical book, its scanned copy, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata, and Wikisource, and the challenges that arise at each step. The focus will be on unifying the process to enable collaboration from anyone involved in the workflow.
- Relationship to Wikisource or to the theme: Self-explanatory
- Username of speaker(s): Ignacio Rodríguez
- Session type: Workshop
- Duration: 60-120 minutes
- Outcomes:The expected outcomes are: 1) An overview of the entire process, highlighting how these components interconnect. 2) A roadmap for a software collaboration that can take a digital copy of a public domain book from anywhere on the internet and produce a proofread digital version with minimal manual effort.