The scope of this project is to say the own personal experience on an object or a concept. A comment or an idea can also be written in order to improve. As an example the Italy page on Wikipedia contains the historical and cultural geographic information, on the Wiktionary contains the etimologia and the linguistico aspect of the word, on Wikibooks a guide, but on Wikiopinions will contain phrases like: "hardly they have been in Italy, I have used the airplane and have been very well, but a my friend has come with a train of this company (in the page will can be the name) and he has been found badly", "Italy does not appeal to to me, the climate is too much warm" or "In Italy the state could give the air conditioners, in order to obviate to the problem of the warmth".



The contributions will be signed only from the username, but they could be written from anonymous people, if they gave just IP address



Obviously the principle of the neutrality does not exist but the didascalia of a page it cannot be POV. It cannot, as an example, be made to begin the comments with: "the war between USA and Iraq, you write if thoughts that the USA have mistaken behavior"

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