Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Oesterreich/June2013
Vienna Office
editIn early June the WMAT board and staff gathered for a workshop in order to draft the so-called Good Governance Kodex. As the experience of other chapters and organizations show, the process of "professionalizing", i.e. hiring staff, can cause various challenges for a chapter. WMAT wanted to address these challenges as early as possible an therefore set up a workshop in order to discuss the status quo of collaboration between the different stakeholders and set up standards for the future. Another aim was to suggest proceedings in cases of conflicts of interests. However, the workshop and the draft are just the first steps in a continuous process of implementing and evaluating our standards and comparing them the actual practices in the day to day business - of translating a written document into daily common practices. In preparation of the workshop good practices (e.g. the WMUK Governance report, Swiss NPO standards etc.) were benchmarked and analyzed. The draft of the kodex is currently put up for discussion with the community. After that we will translate it into English in order to share it with other interested entities.
Evaluation Workshop Budapest
editpicture: Wilfredor, under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
Our general responsibility to our donors and the FDC process requires all stakeholders of the movement to think carefully about how the donation money is spent most effectively. In the end of the day everything boils down to the questions of how to determine which of our programs work and which don’t and how we can further improve the performance our programs. While it is important that each chapter or user group finds the answers to these questions that fit their specific context, it is equally important to gain a common understanding of evaluation across the movement. To tackle these difficult question the the Wikimedia Foundation invited 26 international participants that came together in June 2013 for the first Program Evaluation & Design Workshop in Budapest, Hungary. The workshop focused on creating a shared understanding of what program evaluation is, why it is important, and providing attendees with some basic skills.
Claudia Garád, ED of WMAT, attended the workshop and currently looking for ways to discuss this topic on a broader basis within the Austrian community. The sustainable implementation of evaluation processes and generation of awareness for this topic among all stakeholders takes time and can't be achieved overnight and needs a persistent cooperation with the WMF and the international community. The workshop in Budapest was a start, Wikimania in Hongkong will be the next opportunity to exchange experiences.
All important facts (e.g. event information, Glossary, FAQs) can be found here: Program Evaluation and Design
Wiki Loves Public Art
editOn June 27, 2013 the Austrian WLPA Jury met at the WMAT office in order to select the winners that will now participate in the international finals:
What the winning pictures have in common, is that they all capture the special chemistry which is created when art is intergrated into our daily lifes - often with a wink. The ten winning pictures also show a broad range of classical or humorous compositions, vista shots or a passion for details as well as different kinds of artwork, cue states and seasons. (See also our news site (in German language))
In order to support the Jury, we created an online tool for screening and preselection. The Jury found the tool quite helpful and made some suggestions for minor improvements (mostly concerning usability and presentation) that will help to improve the tool for future projects.
Photography Project Q2 Digest
editManfred Werner (Tsui) (Own work) CC-BY-SA-3.0
- Life Ball (Category at Commons)
- Austrian football cupfinals (Category at Commons)
- Handball european championships qualification match (Category at Commons)
- Donauinselfest (Category at Commons)
- Jazz Fest Wien with Helge Schneider (Category at Commons)