Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Nederland/200901

Chapters update report Wikimedia Nederland January 2009

Content Online Platform


Esther Hoorn attended on behalf of Wikimedia Nederland the Content Online Platform in Brussels on the invitation of the EU Commissioner Reding. The main subjects were the "protection of minors" and "cultural diversity online". A report has been submitted to the chapters and the Wikimedia Foundation. The importance of media literacy was stressed and the IWF-case was discussed (an IWF representative was present by chance). During the second part, the importance for free licenses for content was stressed for a diversity of material and some experience of Wikimedia with linguistic diversity was shared.

New Year reception, photo hunt


Together with Creative Commons Nederland and Open Streetmap Nederland Wikimedia Nederland organized a new year reception in Amsterdam. This was preceded by a photo hunt, where the challenge was to make photos for articles in Wikipedia which did not have a good photo yet. The photographer of the winning picture obtained a prize. The meeting was attended mostly by Wikipedians, but also OSM'ers and CC'ers were present.

General Assemblee, New Board


On January 31, Wikimedia Nederland had it's annual General Assemblee with the approval of the financial figures, budget and the election of a new board, the presentation of ongoing and new projects and the introduction of the "small subsidies". A new board of six was elected, including four new board members. The new board consists of Jose Spierts (president), Mark Wesbeek (treasurer), Hay Kranen (secretary), Lodewijk Gelauff (international affairs), Piter Siebenga and Marco Swart.

Small Subsidies project


Wikimedia Nederland launched a "small subsidies" project. €1000 has been budgeted to be used for innovative requests which help the Wikimedia projects forth. The idea has been partially based on similar initiatives in other chapters. With the project, Wikimedia Nederland hopes to stimulate the inventivity of Wikimedians and to make small projects with a relative large impact possible.

Wikipedia Loves Art


Inspired by the 'Wikipedia loves art' initiative in New York earlier, Wikimedia Nederland will organize an event together with Creative Commons Nederland. The event is still in planning stages, but the idea is to let around 10-15 museums participate in a contest where Wikipedians are challenged to make photos of artistic works in those musea under a free license for Wikipedia. On the 21st of June, the longest day of the year, an event will be held where the best picture will get elected.

Wikimania 2010


During the General Assemblee it was confirmed that Wikimedia Nederland will continue with a bid get Wikimania 2010 to the Netherlands. A banner was voted for and a report was given to the General Assemblee about the current status of the bid. The assemblee was enthousiastic about the bid, and voted in favor of continuing with it.