Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Shared Knowledge/November 2022

Editing Days


This editing challenge was opened with the topic Departments of France on November 1. Two people participated and edited two new articles. Two days later, returning to a geography subject, European Road Network was scheduled and in total 10 articles and one template got created out of two men. The third edition was Operas by Gioachino Rossini which was answered by three users who created four articles and one template. The next editing day was themed at linguistics and was on 10th, named Endangered Languages in Africa. This day was attended by two people and they made three new articles. On 16, there was Meteorological Variables which was joined by two Wikipedians who made five brand new articles. Two days later, Paintings by Frans Hals was on and gathered two people who edited five new articles. The 22th day of the month was dedicated for Endangered Languages in Asia and it produced two new articles and one new template out of one man. Two days later, the literature Works by Agatha Christie ED was held and two users created three articles and one template. The final editing day, on 29th, was titled Circle of fifths that brought two Wikipedians who produced three newly established articles.

The outcome in November was 37 new articles and four new templates.



On November 2, in accordance to the videos recorded in October, five articles were created and three articles were improved.



Six articles were created on November 3. Those articles are thematically related to the videos recorded in October. On November 7, the editing continued and five articles were created, four articles were improved, and two templates were created. The next day three articles were created and two articles were improved. On November 15, two articles were improved.

Museums Visits


On November 4, the Dr. Nikola Nezlobinski Museum in Struga was visited. Then the exterior of the two buildings was photographed, including the natural history building and the administrative building that also serves as the museum's depot. At the same time, other landmarks in Struga were photographed, such as old architecture houses, busts, monuments, various former and current administrative buildings, cultural and educational institutions, religious buildings and sports buildings, bridges. Out of the photographic stage, 63 files were uploaded on Commons. After uploading the photos, editing of the articles followed and on November 9, five articles were created and six articles were improved. The next day, seven articles were created and five articles were improved. On November 14, one article was created and four articles were improved.

The outcome was 16 new articles, 12 improved articles and 63 uploaded images on Commons.

Editing Weekends


The first editing weekend (November 5 & 6) covered the topic Computer Science. That weekend got the attention of four users that made 10 creations of articles. Next was chemistry themed Acids and that weekend attracted two men who contributed with six new articles. The third weekend this month was about Qatar that consisted of four Wikipedians who created twelve articles and improved one article. The last EW was comprised of two participants that created three new articles and one new template at the Cryptocurrencies Editing Day.

The outcome in November was 31 new articles, one improved article and one created template.



Within the Bitola Photohunt that was made in September, another user created (on 26th) and improved (on 6th) one articles each and used two images of the album.

WikiSketch Lessons


On November 12, the mentors Dandarmkd and Dragana Niseva held training for five people. The training lasted from 12:00 to 14:00 and six articles were created.

MacPortrait 2022

MacPortrait's logo

MacPortrait 2022 was the second edition of the MacPortrait photography competition with the aim of providing free photos of famous and distinguished contemporary people from various fields of work from Macedonia. The contest started on October 15 and ended on November 15 In this edition 274 images were uploaded out of three competitors. Over 200 famous and/or prominent people from Macedonia were portrayed as subjects.

The top four rated images


The three out of four participants in the downtown of Kumanovo.

On November 25, four people heading from Skopje, went to the town of Kumanovo. The point was to photograph various notable sites, places and buildings of Kumanovo such as streets, administrative institutions, schools, sports venues, temples, monuments, landformes etc. 152 images of encyclopedic use were uploaded on Commons.




On November 28, during the entire expedition from 09:00 to 15:00, the villages of Nemanjici and Mečkuevci (Sveti Nikole Municipality) were visited. Two persons: Dandarmkd and archaeologist Aleksandar Nacev visited the archaeological sites of Alin Dol, Vetren, Vrež, Gradište, Zelena Čukarka, Jokuš, Miševska Vodenica, Crkvište in Nemanjici and Gradište in Mečkuevci. First, the Vrež was visited, which is located right next to the road that connects Sveti Nikole with Nemanjici. Next was to visit the high altitude Gradiste, which is located in the hill of the same name. The third was Vetren, which is on the slopes of Gradište. Then the route went to Lake Mavrovica where we visited Alin Dol and Miševska Vodenica. Northeast of the lake, opposite each other are Zelena Čukarka and Jokuš. The eighth place visited was Church. Finally, the Mečkuevci site deposit of Gradishte, which is east of the village, was lastly visited. Apart from archeological photos, the nearby Lake Mavrovica was also photographed. 71 photos were uploaded on Commons.
