Wikimedia Sverige/2012 Programme Plan

The year of 2012 will be Wikimedia Sveriges fifth fiscal year. The association has gone through a big growh and the current size gives possibilities that seemed unreal when it was founded in 2007. We are well on the way to be a well established and professional acting association with the mission to make knowledge freely accessible - by supporting volunteers, spreading the ideal and make greater things that are hard to organize solely in the community. This also means that there is a need for a strategy behind the performed projects to ensure that the available capacity is used most efficently to get the largest possible impact on our common mission.

During several events, together with members and within the Organizational Growth & Development Network, a draft for a vision of what we want to achive in the long run was developed. The vision is structured around five important stakeholders that the association wants to interact with, with visions for each stakeholder. Based on this and with the help of the SMART-method a long list of possible goals that could be achieved within a year was created. Out of that list 10 operational goals that the association wants to achieve during the next year were selected, grouped by support to the community, quality and outreach. Within every goal detailed measures and preojects will be planned and realized through both volunteers and project managers.



The vision is divided by stakeholders, without internal priority. When these are fulfilled we are "done" with our vision.


  • Everybody requests and understands the value of free and accessible knowledge.
  • All users can find relevant information quickly and without effort.


  • A sufficiently large and healthy community interacting in a productive manner.
  • Everybody contributes to projects for free knowledge disregarding background, age or gender.
  • Everybody realizes that sharing knowledge is advantegous for everybody.

Contributors of content

  • All contributors of content release what they produce under a free license.
  • All educational content is easily accessible for free and in an open standard.

Teaching institutions

  • All teaching institutions embrace the concept of free knowledge.
  • The creation of new free knowledge is an integrated part of education and research.

Promoters of knowledge and education

  • The concept of free knowledge is so accepted that it does not need to be explained.
  • The boundraries between us and promoters of knowledge and education are erased and we are working toghether towards a shared goal.

Operative goals for 2012



  • The quality and amount of content often relies on technical equipment of various kind which is often impossible to purchase by volunteers. Goal of this project is to establish a way for the community to get access to such technique like scanners and photo- and video equipment by extending the "teknikpool", rental of equipment, and support to the toolserver.
  • The goal is that such technique will be used at least 50 times during the next year.
  • A coordinator is setting up the procedures, organizes the purchase/borrow, and handles requests from the community.
  • The investment in such technology in 2011 is about 53000 SEK.
  • The major tool to verify the quality of content are references to specialized literature. Such literature is often hard to access and expensive. This program will help the community to get access to such reference works of various kind.
  • Within the next year, at least 100 articles will be created or significantly improved with references within this program.
  • This will be achieved by purchase of monographies, support for lending, or access to literature databases and journals, and based on the experiences made by a similar program of Wikimedia Germany.
  • A coordinator will be appointed to set up procedures and to organize purchases.
  • Though Wikimedia projects are solely created by a community they are at the same time created by independent working contributors with relatively little, mainly anonymous communication. While the success of Wikipedia proofed that this approach is effective, it does not imply that all contributors feel completely comfortably with this way of work. The goal of this program is therefore to arrange meet-ups to collaborately edit (aka edit-a-thons) on a concentrated topic, with a positive impact on the health and climate of the community.
  • The meet-ups will be thematic on a topic decided by the community, and could be supported external institutions connected with the theme. Support could include hosting, access to a specialized library or archive, personal support etc.
  • The goal is to arrange meet-ups with five to ten participants every quarter (four during 2012), whereof at least five attendees are participating in an editathon for the first time.
  • Travelling expenses will be covered.
  • A project manger to coordinate this will be appointed.
  • The project will cover major costs arising from voluntarily driven projects out of the community and are the continuation of successful projects like photo safaris, fairs and the community project.
  • The major part will be announced during two rounds, and a system of how the apllications will be dealt with has to be developed with members and the community.
  • A project manger to coordinate this will be appointed.
  • The total investment in such projects in 2011 will be about 100 000 SEK.


  • Almost 50% of the Wikipedia readers from Sweden are using the English Wikipedia. This may affect the contributions in the Swedish Wikipedia. And whilst English is commonly known in Sweden, not everbody is profficient enough to learn more complex concepts in a secondary language, which makes it important to provide this knowledge in their own language.
  • The goal of the project is to identify what causes many readers to use English Wikipedia and identify, if any, quality deficiences in the Swedish material.
  • The project will be conducted as a C-level thesis in cooperation with an university.
  • Possible methods are a survey on the English Wikipedia with users from Sweden using a sitenotice, and analysis of access statistics on the toolserver.
  • A project manager to coordinate and perhaps a developer will be appointed.
  • In order to continue development and innovation of Wikimedia projects it is important to understand what the readers are missing or wishing for.
  • Conduct user surveys to get data on what readers actually thinks, which may be used for improvements.
  • Conducted as C or D-level thesises.
  • The goal is to complete one at the spring and a sequel at the fall.
  • Within "wmse:Wiki skills" Wikimedia Sverige will also be responsible to create a need analysis report on wikis and collaborative teaching. The preliminary deadline is 2012-04-28.
  • To make knowledge free and accessible is the purpose of Wikimedia, both by creating free content by volunteer work or to make already created material free. Content owners such as authorities, cultural institutions or public media companies have huge amounts of publicly financed material but do not get the value of free and accissible knowledge and also has prejudice, missconception and fear of free licenses.
  • The measurable goals are to setup 5 new collaborations with big publicity as examples, and to get 5 prominent reuses of this free content.
  • The main approach is the reduction of fears and the demonstration of the value and advantages of sharing their content freely. This is a long-time process, and tools are amongst others workshops with relevant groups of persons about copyright and Wikip/media, shared projects like joint events, competitions, common PR work or QR-code projects, detailed statistics of content usage to demonstrate the reach of Wikip/media, political lobbying and so on. The work will be done in close connection with the Europeana Awareness project.
  • A project manager, project staff and a developer will be appointed.
  • Wikimedia Commons collects educational content created by volunteer photographers, amongst others buildings and geopositioned objects. Some objects are impossible to photograoh from the ground e.g. islands and parks. For other objects such as castles and churches new perspectives are opened from the air. The goal is to create 1000 free aerial photos from all over Sweden.
  • The images shall be taken by volunteers by balloon, plane or helicopter based on pilot projects with planes (WMDE) and balloons (WMSE)
  • A prioritized list shall be created by the community.
  • The legal situation in Sweden shall be explored and impelled/influenced/excited, and legal counseling shall be given to photographers.
  • A project manager for this will be appointed.


  1. Create educational and informational material in the Project Wiki-skills
    • The project aims at:
      • Developing collaborative leadership skills, collective decision making skills, conflict resolution skills, governance skills, etc., whilst participating to the growth of a learning and working community
      • Improving skills on collaborating with others to edit and develop texts
      • Valorising existing cultural patrimony
      • Acquisition of digital fluency basic knowledge
    • Outputs are among others a guidelines booklet for teachers and a best practices video.
    • Main responsibilities of Wikimedia Sverige are
      • creation of a user needs report (together with surveys)
      • dissemination the project into Wikimedia communities
  2. University (teach the teachers program)
    • With Wikimedia Foundations positive experiences from the Public Policy Initiative we will implement the project in Sweden and adjust the concept to Swedish teaching conditions. The goal is to complete two pilot projects at selected universities where there are dedicated employees who have documented experience of Wikipedia.
    • An evaluation will provide arguments if the program should be scaled up in 2013.
  3. Student clubs
    • Development of student clubs at seconary high schools.
    • Wikimedia Sverige is doing a pilotproject on one seconary high school in 2011. The purpose is to increase participation in the projects. If the pilot project works, an invitation should be issued to stimulate the creation of further student clubs.
    • The goal is to start four of these (which are granted support).
  4. Europeana Awareness
    • Europeana is a pan European project to collect and make all cultural material avaliable through one API. They are sharing our goals and has already released all their metadata under CC-0.
    • This project will engage GLAM institutions and make them aware of the possibilities of the Europeana project.
    • The goal is to have one GLAM-wiki conference with at least 20 GLAM institutions as participants.
  • Promoters of knowledge and education who in themselves don't conduct education, but fund and promote it, share common goals with us. However, Wikimedia Sverige has so far not made any attempt for common projets.
  • The goal is to get a contact for further cooperation. A measureable result is Wikimedia Sverige having a booth or similar at FSCONS 2012, and 2 members of such organizations will speak there. Wikimedia Sverige should also have a personal contact in ar least one of these institutions.
  • A project manager for this will be appointed.


  • Members: The association has 250 members who pay their member fees.
  • Communication: WMSE sends a newsletter and a chapters report every month, and updates all relevant report pages on meta regularly. On all requests a response is given within one working day.
  • Economics: WMSE fulfills the requirements of the Swedish Fundraising Audit Committee (Svensk Insamlingskontroll), and can hire persons without an registration for corporate tax (F-skattsedel) directly.
  • Fundraising: Phase B is founded by at most 70% by WMF, and the budget for 2013 is based on less than 50% by WMF.
  • Organisational developement of the association and board.

Budget 2012



FTE Investeringar
phase A phase B Total phase A phase B Total
Community Support
Technology 0.03 0.02 0.05 100 000 50 000 150 000
Reference works 0.01 0.1 0.11 2 000 20 000 22 000
Community driven projects 0.05 0.05 0.1 75 000 75 000 150 000
Edit-a-thons 0.06 0.05 0.11 30 000 30 000 60 000
Total 0.15 0.22 0.37 207 000 175 000 382 000
Surveys 0 0.04 0.04 0 5 000 5 000
Content donations 0.2 0.1 0.3 30 000 20 000 50 000
Identify quality deficiences 0 0.08 0.08 15 000 0 15 000
Aerial photos 0.01 0.01 0.02 10 000 10 000 20 000
Total 0.21 0.23 0.44 40 000 50 000 90 000
Wiki-skills 0.26 0 0.26 77 382 0 77 382
PPI 0 0.1 0.1 0 50 000 50 000
Student clubs 0 0 0 0 0 0
Establish relationships 0 0 0 0 0 0
Europeana Awareness 0.73 0 0.73 20 000 0 20 000
Total 0.99 0.1 1.09 97 382 50 000 147 382
Administration 0.04 0.02 0.06 30 000 20 000 50 000
Internal communications 0.03 0.01 0.04 5 000 0 5 000
Accounting/auditing 0.02 0.01 0.03 25 000 25 000 50 000
PR 0.05 0.02 0.07 30 000 10 000 40 000
Fundraising 0.1 0.05 0.15 10 000 0 10 000
Legal 50 000 0 50 000
Office rent 40 000 10 000 50 000
Office equipment 40 000 20 000 60 000
Board travels 50 000 0 50 000
Staff travels 50 000 30 000 80 000
Assemblies 10 000 0 10 000
Total 0.24 0.11 0.35 340 000 115 000 455 000
TOTAL 1.59 0.66 2.25 684 382 390 000 1 074 382



One FTE corresponds to costs of 700000 SEK. 1 EUR corresponds to ~9.3 SEK

Staff Investeringar Total
Per focus area FTE SEK % SEK % SEK %
Community support 0.37 259 000 10% 382 000 15% 641 000 25%
Quality 0.44 308 000 12% 90 000 3% 398 000 15%
Outreach 1.09 763 000 29% 147 382 6% 910 382 35%
Enabling 0.35 245 000 9% 455 000 17% 700 000 27%
Total 2.25 1 560 000 59% 1 074 382 41% 2 634 382 100%

phase A phase B Total
A Costs 1 797 382 837 000 2 634 382 94.4
B General provision (security) 111 300 46 200 157 500 5.6
C Total 1 908 682 883 200 2 791 882 300 000 100.0
D Project grants 715 200 77 300 25.6
D.1 Wiki skills 203 000 203 000 7.3
D.2 Europeana Awareness 412 200 412 200 14.8
D.3 Other grants 100 000 100 000 3.6
E Other revenues 95 000 10 300 3.4
E.1 Surplus / reserves 2010 50 000 50 000 1.8
E.2 Member fees 15 000 15 000 0.5
E.3 Donations 30 000 30 000 1.1
F Need 2011 1 198 482 783 200 1 981 682 214 000 71.0