Junta directiva de la Fundación Wikimedia/Llamada para recibir comentarios:puestos de la junta por la comunidad/conversaciones/20-02-2021 - Llamada para aclarar dudas
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This is an office hours report of the Call for Feedback about Community Board seats selection processes between February 1 and March 14. This report contains ideas and opinions that are new or relevant in the context of the Call for Feedback.
The office hours took place at 4 different times on February 20, 2021 using Google Meet. The office hours lasted nearly 90 minutes each. The first hour of each office hour session was recorded. Additional resources to accompany this summary include videos, transcriptions, chat logs, and notes taken by the Board Governance facilitator team.
There were 93 total attendees. There were members of the Board of Trustees in attendance during the 4 sessions.
The report summarizes feedback received from participants during the office hours. Statements in this report are connected back to the office hours. The number of the office hour session follow each comment in parentheses, like (1).
Ideas discussed within the Board
Ranked voting system
- But to be clear “popularity” is not necessarily a dirty word - there may be very valid merit based reasons for name recognition within the community (1)
- What if the community wants to continue with the popularity contest? (4)
- Diversity should come naturally and not be forced. No one should get more of a chance at the cost of others who would be elected if there were no quotas. (3)
Call for types of skills and experiences
- What does the Board do? (1)
- Why don’t we have a system of nurturing Board members with the right expertise then, drawn from the community? (1)
- If the goal is to have a more professionalized Board then the Board should say so clearly and explicitly (1)
- Community seats are more about community representation than skills. Even basic requirements exclude people. (2)
- Knowledge transfer from experienced members to newcomers should be considered. Young adults and older adults could bring perspective.(2)
- Consider picking up advisory competencies in a committee to assist the board in stressful situations especially with communities. (2)
Vetting of candidates
- A person asked about the Trustee Evaluation Form saying it's not clear how the form is to be used, what metrics are to be employed and what thresholds are relevant for each of the criteria. (The whole process is under development.) (1)
- A participant shared an example of a form used to complete a board assessment and self-assessment to determine skills possessed and skills needed on non-profit boards. (1)
Ideas from the Community
Regional seats
- Geography-wise there has been under representation on the Board. If there are board members from communities such as Africa and Asia it would be good. (3)
- Three seats could be regional seats and three seats could be elected by vote. (3)
- There are people who are great candidates but are not well-known so people will not vote for them. The voting for regional representatives should be limited to the region only. (3)
- Is the board considering to use appointed seats to bring people from Asia and Africa, and keep open elections for community seats? (3)
- There were almost 15 candidates from Africa and none of them made it. With the current mechanisms, there is very little chance to get elected. (3)
Miscellaneous feedback
- The fiduciary responsibility of a Board member is narrow, and perhaps very different from what the community understands it to be. “The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees oversees the foundation and its work, as its ultimate corporate authority.” A board member disagrees: “the board has this fiduciary responsibility and to oversee the interests of the movement.” The community doesn’t understand this distinction and it should be communicated. (1)
- How can smaller linguistic communities be represented? (2)
- What are the incentives to participate on the Board? (4)
- How is accountability measured for Board members? (4)
- Después de la hora oficial, mantendremos la sala abierta para una charla informal.
Every report includes video, notes, transcript, and chat.
El equipo que facilita la convocatoria para recibir comentarios: puestos en la junta directiva te invita a una segunda ronda de horas de oficina. Puedes consultar el informe de la primera ronda de reuniones.
Todos los participantes aceptan cumplir con la política de espacio amigable para eventos de Wikimedia.
- Logística de las horas de oficina (explicada a continuación)
- Breve actualización del estado de la convocatoria para recibir comentarios
- Preguntas y respuestas (los participantes pueden expresar su interés a participar a continuación)
- After the official hour, we will keep the room open for casual chat.
Todas las reuniones acogen cualquier tema relacionado con la convocatoria de comentarios. Los participantes pueden expresar sus intereses de antemano para ayudarnos a priorizar. Elige uno de los temas de la barra de navegación o una alternativa breve.
Se espera la participación de los miembros de la junta en todas las reuniones.
Primera sesión
- 2021-02-20 a las 6:00 UTC
- El enlace a la reunión se publicará aquí y en el canal de Telegram [1] y chat 15 minutos antes.
- Presentador:
- Tomador de notas:
- Moderador:
- Controlador del tiempo:
- Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/krn-zoac-erb
- Report link: Session report
- Presenter: Quim Gil
- Note-taker: Mehman Ibragimov
- Moderator: Vanj Padilla
- Time-checker: Ravan Al-Taie
Participantes e intereses
- <Your signature here (~~~) and optionally one topic of interest.>
Segunda sesión
- 2021-02-20 a 10:00 UTC
- El enlace a la reunión se publicará aquí y en el canal de Telegram [2] y chat 15 minutos antes.
- Presentador:
- Tomador de notas:
- Moderador:
- Controlador del tiempo:
- Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/krn-zoac-erb
- Report link: Session report
- Presenter: Quim Gil
- Note-taker: Denis Barthel
- Moderator: Zita Zage
- Time-checker: Mohammed Bachounda
Participantes e intereses
- Anass Sedrati (talk) 12:28, 12 February 2021 (UTC)
- Nehaoua (talk) 08:12, 20 February 2021 (UTC)
- Robert Jamal …talk to me💬 09:53, 20 February 2021 (UTC)
- --NANöR (talk) 10:00, 20 February 2021 (UTC)
Tercera sesión
- 2021-02-20 a las 16:00 UTC
- El enlace a la reunión se publicará aquí y en el canal de Telegram [3] y chat 15 minutos antes.
- Presentador:
- Tomador de notas:
- Moderador:
- Controlador del tiempo:
- Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/krn-zoac-erb
- Report link: Session report
- Presenter: Quim Gil
- Note-taker: Krishna C. Velaga
- Moderator: Ravan Al-Taie
- Time-checker: Oscar Costero
Participantes e intereses
- Nosebagbear (talk) 17:10, 19 February 2021 (UTC) - (may attend later session), imbalanced representation that would be caused by quotas/unfairness caused by efforts to generate fairness
- BamLifa (talk) 13:44, 20 February 2021 (UTC) (need to learn more about how the board functions).
- <Your signature here (~~~) and optionally one topic of interest.>
Cuarta sesión
- 2021-02-20 a las 21:00 UTC
- El enlace a la reunión se publicará aquí y en el canal de Telegram [4] y chat 15 minutos antes.
- Presentador:
- Tomador de notas:
- Moderador:
- Controlador del tiempo:
- Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/krn-zoac-erb
- Etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/2020-02-20_Community_Board_Seats
- Presenter: Quim Gil
- Note-taker: Oscar Costero
- Moderator: Jackie Koerner
- Time-checker: Denis Barthel
Participantes e intereses
- Barkeep49 (talk) 19:41, 18 February 2021 (UTC)
- Nosebagbear (talk) 17:11, 19 February 2021 (UTC) - (may attend earlier session, will endeavour to update if so), imbalanced representation that would be caused by quotas/unfairness caused by efforts to generate fairness
- --ساندرا (talk) 12:04, 20 February 2021 (UTC)
- <Your signature here (~~~) and optionally one topic of interest.>
Cómo participar
- Usaremos la plataforma de Google Meet. Se aceptan invitados registrados y anónimos.
- Compartiremos el enlace 15 minutos antes del inicio de la reunión. Si puedes, únete temprano.
Durante la reunión
- Por favor, silencia el micrófono cuando no estés hablando.
- Si quieres hacer una pregunta, levanta la mano y espera a que llegue tu turno.
- Mantén tus preguntas cortas y sobre el tema de la convocatoria.
- Puedes utilizar el chat, pero ten en cuenta que las conversaciones paralelas no te distraigan.
- No te preocupes por las notificaciones de los que llegan tarde y solicitan acceso. Los organizadores las aprobarán.
- Las reuniones se grabarán.
- Se habilitarán subtítulos automáticos.
- Espera una moderación básica para el turno de preguntas y silenciar el ruido.
- Espere una moderación rápida si alguien interrumpe la sala (el enlace es público, cualquiera puede unirse de forma anónima)
- Si hay interés, al final de la hora de oficina el equipo se quedará y mantendrá la sala abierta para una conversación informal.
- Debido a las limitaciones técnicas, no podemos ofrecer la transmisión en vivo (tuvimos que elegir entre los subtítulos automáticos o la transmisión en vivo).
Después de la reunión
- Los organizadores no publicarán nada durante el mismo día, con el objetivo de ofrecer una experiencia fresca a los participantes del segundo y tercer encuentro.
- Al día siguiente (más o menos), espera
- Grabaciones de video disponibles en Commons y YouTube
- Un informe
- Transcripción automática completa
- Es posible que publiquemos breves cápsulas de video sobre temas específicos cubiertos durante la reunión.