Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy/Implementation/Affiliate health criteria/Reports/2024/Deoband Community Wikimedia

Affiliate basic information
What is the affiliate name? Deoband Community Wikimedia
Please list the languages supported by this affiliate all - currently Arabic, English, Hindi and Urdu
Please list countries where this affiliate operates India
Reporting timeline (e.g. January-December) January-January
Reporting year (e.g. 2024 or 2024-2025) 2024
Primary contact (user name) Aafi (DCW)
Secondary contact (user name) Numis Zuhair
Goal delivery
What is the affiliate mission? see Vision and Objectives
What are the affiliate goals? Link to the strategic plan, if there is one. In 2024, our activities were aligned with three strategic activity plans: September 2023 - February 2024, April 2024 - September 2024 and October 2024 - March 2025.

Our goals include:

  • addressing knowledge gaps related to global Muslim academia, scholarship, history, and culture within Wikimedia projects.
  • supporting the strategic development and growth of our affiliate
  • engaging students in a range of free knowledge activities through our Wiki Clubs
  • establishing presence in educational institutions, particularly religious seminaries and Muslim minority institutions
  • contributing to the sustainability of Wikimedia movement through our targeted conversation hours.
  • promoting the development and growth of promising Wikimedians in our community.
Organizational development
How does the affiliate make decisions? How are decisions communicated? We have utilised the consensus model until now to make our decisions, where a majority vote is required to reach a decision. We also include the leads of our Wiki Clubs in the decision making process. We facilitate discussions through our private internal chat groups and communicate updates via these channels and our regular Progress Prism Calls.
What is the current state of the affiliate finances? Link to the latest financial report, if there is one. Our financial state is both stable and compliant. A comprehensive financial overview has been provided seperately.
Affiliate health and resilience
How many people participate in the decision-making process in the affiliate? Usually 6.
Has there been any significant changes in the level of the affiliate membership body (e.g. increase/decrease of number of dues-paying members)? There has been a significant increase in the level of affiliate membership body through our Wiki Clubs. Wiki Club Jamia comprises over 100 members, with more than 25 actively engaged in various activities. Wiki Club AMU has over 26 members, with more than 8 actively engaged in decision-making processes. Several new members have also joined through Wiki Club Deoband.
Are there any affiliate activities in the past year that were led by affiliate members? Please share the highlights. Our affiliate members have led several activities. In May 2024, Humaira Ali and Bloomingbibliophile collaborated with CIS-A2K, and organized "Taking Wiki Club Jamia Ahead", at the English department of Jamia Millia Islamia. The members also organized a COT Meetup in September 2024. In October 2024, our club members organized anniversary events and label-a-thons to commemorate the 12th anniversary of Wikidata. On 12 December 2024, Raydann, conducted a workshop on Handling Vandalism on Wikipedia. Our members associated with Wiki Club AMU have also conducted several events during the period to sustain the club's development. The club, led by Khanahmedsam, organized Wiki Clicks AMU, an open photography contest on Wikimedia Commons from 1 to 15 January 2025, attracting over 9 new participants. Moreover, our conversation hours have been moderated by notable members, including Bloomingbibliophile, DilliKiShaam, Durre Shehvaar, Herecomesthepun, Ivyselene, Mdndurrani and ShabbuMFP.
Leadership and inclusion
Diverse, skilled, and accountable leadership
What kind of skills does the affiliate leadership possess? The affiliate leadership is well versed in Advocacy, Communications, Evaluation, Governance, Outreach skills. Their skills are effectively showcased through the capacity-building initiative that we have organized during throughout the year including our Conversation Hour, and both online and offline learning sessions.
Is there any kind of succession plan for the affiliate leadership? In November 2024, we decided to transition to a new decision-making process based on survey feedback, which highlighted the need for an executive board. The board, set to be established by the end of March 2025, will consist of five voting members and three non-voting members.
Are there any trainings that affiliate leadership undergo before they assume their leadership position? Yes, we have consistently prioritized training individuals before they assume any role. However, we currently lack formal manuals or training materials. We are optimistic about standardizing this process once our operational model fully transitions and the executive board is finalized.
Are there any requirements for affiliate leadership to disclose their conflict(s) of interests? Yes
Diversity balance (especially gender)
What is the diversity level of the affiliate leadership and membership body? Currently, our leadership maintains a 50-50 gender balance, though the exact gender distribution of our overall membership is uncertain. However, it is estimated that over 40% of our contributors are female, with the remainder being male.
How is the affiliate leadership encouraging gender diversity in the decision-making process(es) of the affiliate? As part of our transition from a consensus-based model to a board-driven decision-making process, we incorporated insights from our surveys to enhance our operational model. During our January 2025 Progress Prism Call, it was decided that the executive board will have 40% female voting representation.
Universal Code of Conduct compliance
How does the affiliate leadership ensure, enforce, and evaluate compliance with the Universal Code of Conduct obligations? We have dedicated channels to receive and evaluate reports received from our community members. Participants are made aware of the Friendly Policy and UCoC obligations that regulate our spaces. Recently, we have introduced a dedicated support role for our offline events. This individual is tasked with ensuring participants are reminded of their UCoC obligations in a timely manner and providing support when needed. Looking ahead, we plan to establish a sub-committee to manage and address emergency reports effectively.
Engagement and Collaboration
Please share the publicly available records of regular meetings, activities, events, or conference in the past year where the affiliate has participated. see the detailed activity report.
Community connection
How many affiliate members are active contributors to the Wikimedia projects? 30+
How many affiliate members are not active contributors to the Wikimedia projects? 15+
How many affiliate members are active organizers (of projects, events, conferences, initiatives, etc) within the Wikimedia movement? 10+
How many people have participated in affiliate projects, events, conferences, and/or initiatives in the past year? 30+ average.
Partnerships and collaboration
Please list all activities/initiatives that the affiliate has organized or co-organized in past 12 months. see the detailed activity report.
What would affiliate leadership list as the top 3 (three) capacities of the affiliate? (e.g. evaluation, community governance, programs and events, organizational governance and resource policies, conflict management, partnerships, fundraising, communication and media relations, contributor development, on-wiki technical skills, policy advocacy, etc) Programs and Events
Communication and media relations
What are the 3 (three) capacities that the affiliate would like to strengthen in the next 12 months? Organizational Governance
Partnerships and Collaboration
Resource Policies and Management
What are the organizations, community projects, or groups that the affiliate had been working or seeking to work with to develop and support the 3 capacities? Current and Past Partners:

Expected Partnerships