Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia/Reports/Wikimania 2023/Michelina Michael

Things Learned at the Conference


Attending the Wikimania Conference 2023 in Singapore was a transformative experience, one that left me with a deep appreciation for the Wikimedia community and a wealth of knowledge about the world of open knowledge and collaborative content creation. Here are some of the valuable lessons and insights I gained from this enlightening event:

  • The first and most striking lesson was the incredible diversity of individuals who make up the Wikimedia community. People from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds came together with a shared passion for knowledge sharing. It reinforced the idea that open knowledge knows no boundaries.
  • It was inspiring to see how collaboration has resulted in a vast repository of free knowledge available to anyone with an internet connection.
  • The conference made me realize the global impact of Wikimedia projects. I learned about initiatives to bring free knowledge to underserved regions and the critical role Wikimedia plays in education, research, and information access worldwide.
  • The knowledge and skills that I gained from several sessions and workshops at the conference helped me to contribute more to Wikimedia projects, especially in preserving Kadazandusun languages and culture.

In conclusion, my experience at the Wikimania Conference in Singapore was an enlightening journey into the world of open knowledge, collaboration, and the Wikimedia community. I left with a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to contribute to this remarkable movement that empowers individuals to share and access knowledge freely.

Things the Participant Contributed or Participated in or Since the Conference


I participated in the Wikipedia Basic Workshop, in which I learned the basics of Wikipedia editing and how to contribute. The workshop can be an enriching experience for newcomers like me with little or no prior experience with Wikipedia editing. It is suitable for anyone interested in learning more about Wikipedia and editing. Overall, participating in Wikipedia basic workshops is a valuable step toward becoming a knowledgeable and responsible Wikipedia editor. It equips me with the essential skills and principles needed to make meaningful contributions to this collaborative encyclopedia.

I also visited the #VisibleWikiWomen photo booth to support the #VisibleWikiWomen campaign by taking photos at their booth and filling out a form regarding the campaign.

In addition, I also attended the Wikimedia Commons basic workshop in which I was able to learn about how to upload media files to Wikimedia Commons. The workshop also provided insights into copyright, fair use, and the importance of adequately attributing sources when uploading media files. It is essential to navigate these legal aspects to contribute responsibly. The workshop is fun and informative.

In the evening, I had the pleasure of attending the opening reception for Wikimania 2023. The Wikimania opening reception was a remarkable event that set the stage for what promised to be an exciting and enlightening conference. It was an incredible experience as I had the chance to meet and mingle with other Wikimedians from various countries. Reflecting on the opening reception, I can't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the opportunity to be part of the Wikimedia Community. It was an evening of learning, connection, and inspiration. I am proud to share that the Wikimedian of the Year 2023 is from Malaysia, reinforcing my pride in being part of the Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia.

The next day, I got the chance to join a session called Wiki Loves Living Heritage Bazaar. This session is related to preserving and celebrating cultural heritage through Wikimedia projects. In this session, I learned the importance of preserving and documenting living cultural heritage at risk of being lost or forgotten through Wikimedia projects. It includes traditions, practices, customs, and other cultural aspects passed down through generations. This session raised my awareness of preserving my culture, which is Kadazandusun, so it will not forgotten and we can pass it down to future generations.

I also listened to a talk titled ChatGPT vs. WikiGPT: Challenges and Opportunities in harnessing generative AI for Wikimedia Projects. In this talk, I got the chance to listen to a discussion of five panelists on generative AI and its implication on Wikimedia projects.

Apart from that, I got to learn about the Paiwan language and its culture. Paiwan is a native language of Taiwan, spoken by the Paiwan, a Taiwanese indigenous people. In this session, I learned how the Paiwan people use Wikimedia projects like Wikipedia to preserve their language and culture. I was inspired as I saw the effort shown by the Paiwan people in their efforts to protect their language and culture. I want to do the same for my native language and culture, which is Kadazandusun.

Besides that, I got to know about Lingualibre. Lingualibre is a great platform to record voices and vocabularies of local languages like the Kadazandusun language. I also had fun joining the Wikimania 2023 Global Group Photo, where I had a chance to pose together for a memorable snapshot with participants from different countries and backgrounds. This session is a fun and engaging way to celebrate Wikimania and the Wikimedia movement and to foster a sense of community among participants.

The next day, I got the pleasure of being an emcee for the Kent Wiki Club's Inaugural Ceremony. This ceremony is essential for continuous collaboration between the Institute of Teacher Education Kent Campus and Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia on Wikimedia projects.

I also join the discussion with Ms. Maki Katsuno-Hayashikawa, UNESCO Representative to Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Timor Leste. Further on, I learned about Wikitongues. Wikitongues are essential to help preserve language diversity and empower communities through language documentation. Therefore, I plan to use Wikitongues to document my mother tongue language, which is the Kadazandusun language. I also got to know that Wikimedia has a sound logo.

Kadazandusun language is one of the new languages in Incubator projects. I am contributing to the Incubator projects mainly in the Kadazandusun language. Therefore, I participated in the lightning talk about resources for Incubator projects that will help me contribute more to the Incubator projects.

Next, I also had the opportunity to perform four Borneo dances with my friends from Malaysia. The dances are including Sayau Lotud, Sumazau, Lampit Senggayung, and Manuk Lembukun. I am proud because I got to introduce our cultures to other people from various countries.

One of the sessions I enjoyed at Wikimania 2023 was the Wikimania 2023 Dinner and Dance. The Wikimania Dinner and Dance is a social event that aims to celebrate the diversity, collaboration, and future of the Wikimedia community in a fun and festive way. I had a chance to socialize with fellow Wikimedians while enjoying delicious meals. In the event, we also had fun dancing with fellow Wikimedians.

Plans After the Conference


The Wikimania conference has always been more than just gathering of like-minded individuals; it is a vibrant hub of ideas, innovation, and inspiration. As I reflect on my experiences and learning from the conference, I want to share my plans and aspirations for the days and months following my participation in the Wikimania conference in Singapore. Here are my plans after the conference:

  • I will continue editing and contributing to the Wikimedia projects like Wiktionary, Wikimedia Commons, and Wikimedia Incubator. My main focus in contributing to the Wikimedia projects is on the Kadazandusun language.
  • I want to document the Kadazandusun language and culture through Wikimedia projects.
  • I am keen to explore opportunities to collaborate with the broader Wikimedia community.
  • I am always open to sharing the knowledge that I learned from the conference with other people.
  • I will educate others about Wikimedia projects and encourage newcomers to get involved.

My plans after the Wikimania conference are a testament to the enduring impact of this remarkable event. They revolve around continued contributions to Wikimedia projects, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. My plans are not just a personal endeavor but a commitment to the Wikimedia movement's ideals of openness, collaboration, and the democratization of knowledge for the benefit of all.

Comments / Suggestions about the Conference


The Wikimania conference is a remarkable annual event that brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds, all united by the same passion for open knowledge and collaborative content creation. Overall, the conference went smoothly. Attending the Wikimania Conference 2023 was an amazing experience that provided me with a wealth of knowledge, unforgettable experiences, and pure enjoyment. From the delicious food to the stunning environment, the venue arrangements and activities were all top-notch. Thumbs up to the organizing team!



I just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you to the Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia, the Wikimedia Foundation, and the Wikimania Conference, as well as all the wonderful people involved. I appreciate the amazing opportunity and support you provided me with. I am truly grateful for everything. I hope to have more opportunities like this in the future. May Wikimedia continue to advance and grow every day as a free knowledge platform for all. I am confident that Wikimedia will continue to advance and flourish every day. It is an exceptional free knowledge platform for people from all walks of life, and it is of utmost importance to have access to reliable information.