Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia/Reports/Wikimania 2023/Iamirene2

Things the participant contributed or participated in or since the conference


16 AUGUST 2023


On August 16, 2023, I had the privilege of attending several informative workshops and events related to Wikipedia and Wikimania. Here's a detailed account of my day:

Wikipedia Basic Workshop (10:00 AM - 1:15 PM, Room 310):


In the morning, I participated in a workshop that was dedicated to honing my skills in writing English-language articles, I chose to write about 'The Palace' of Singapore for the writing session in simple wikipedia. The session was expertly organized by fellow Wikimedians who provided invaluable guidance on article creation and editing. I left the workshop with a solid foundation for crafting articles in simple English for beginners and a deeper understanding of how Wikipedia Incubator works.

Wikipedia Commons Basic Workshop (2:15 PM - 4:25 PM, Room 310):


In the afternoon, I engaged in another workshop that focused on managing media files effectively on Wikipedia Commons. The workshop covered essential topics, including proper photo descriptions, categorization techniques, and a thorough exploration of pertinent rules and guidelines. This session enhanced my proficiency in handling media assets on the platform.

Wikimania 2023 Opening Reception & Wikimedian of the Year (5:00 PM - 6:25 PM, Plenary Hall):


As the day concluded, I had the pleasure of attending the grand opening ceremony of Wikimania 2023. The highlight of the event was the announcement of the prestigious "Wikimedian of the Year" award, recognizing the outstanding contributions of an individual to Wikipedia during the past year and it turned out that the main award goes to one of our fellow wikimedian, Mr. Taufik Rosman from Malaysia! It was heartening to note that, during this occasion, many of us proudly adorned ourselves in traditional attire, and I myself wore Malaysian Kebaya during the ceremony, a gesture that was warmly received and appreciated by fellow attendees. I was quite overwhelmed but at the same time feels in awe to see the diversity of cultures highlighted in the attires of all of the participants. That was such a great sight for me!

17 AUGUST 2023


The second day of our event was nothing short of captivating, filled with enriching experiences that celebrated culture, language, and global connections. Here is a glimpse into the exciting activities that unfolded throughout the day.

Wiki Loves Living Heritage Bazaar (10:40 AM - 11: 00 AM, Plenary Hall):


The morning commenced with the vibrant 'Wiki Loves Living Heritage Bazaar' at the Plenary Hall. This lively gathering provided a platform to immerse ourselves in the rich tapestry of Singaporean culture. With a focus on promoting the country's future heritage development policy, attendees were treated to an array of cultural delights. It was a delightful way to kickstart the day, fostering a deeper appreciation for Singapore's cultural heritage.

How to Edit 'AMIWIKI' (12:25 PM - 12:45 PM, Room 325):


In the afternoon, attendees gathered in Room 3.25 for the enlightening 'How to Edit 'AMIWIKI' session. Taiwanese presenters shed light on the Paiwan language, one of Taiwan's minority languages, and the challenges it faces due to government policies discouraging its use. This session underscored the importance of preserving and revitalizing endangered languages. Before the session concluded, traditional music and dances graced the stage, offering a sensory journey into the heart of Paiwan culture.

Wikimania 2023 Global Group Photo (4:45 PM - 5:00 PM, Plenary Hall):


The day concluded on a global note with the much-anticipated 'Wikimania 2023 Global Group Photo.' In the hallowed halls of the Plenary Hall, Wikimedians from every corner of the globe converged for this memorable moment. It was an opportunity to bridge geographical boundaries, as participants exchanged greetings, shared stories, and immortalized the event with photographs. The diversity and unity within the global Wikimedia community were palpable, leaving a lasting impression of the power of collaboration and shared knowledge.

As we reflect on the second day of our event, it becomes evident that this gathering is not just about editing articles or sharing information—it's a celebration of humanity's diversity, our shared heritage, and the power of language to connect us all.

18 AUGUST, 2023


The third day of our event brought a unique blend of official proceedings and lighthearted entertainment. Here's a snapshot of the exciting activities that filled our day.

Inauguration of the Wiki Kent Club (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Room 324 ):


The day began with a significant event—the official inauguration of the Wiki Kent Club. Held from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, this gathering marked the establishment of a new chapter within our community. The distinguished presence of the KENT Campus Teacher Education Institute Director lent an air of importance to the proceedings. With their officiation, the Wiki Kent Club was formally introduced to the community, promising exciting new opportunities and collaborations.

Fun karaoke


The highlight of the day, without a doubt, was the 'Fun Karaoke Session.' This amazing activity allowed us to let loose and enjoy our time with fellow Wikimanians. As we gathered to sing our hearts out, language barriers faded away, and the universal language of music brought us together. Laughter, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments filled the room as we shared our favorite tunes and created lasting memories.

Day 3 was a testament to the diverse range of experiences Wikimania 2023 has to offer. From official inaugurations that shape the future of our community to moments of pure joy and connection through karaoke, each moment was a reminder of the power of coming together and celebrating the spirit of Wikimania.

19 AUGUST, 2023


The fourth day of Wikimania 2023 was a day filled with celebration, cultural sharing, and memorable connections. Here's a glimpse of the exciting activities that made this day truly special.

Sazau by Wikeint and Manuk Lembukun Dances from Borneo (1:40 PM - 1:55 PM, Plenary Hall):


A unique cultural exchange took center stage during this session as three members of the Bajau Samah Community and eight representatives from IPG KENT Campus came together to perform four distinct traditional dances. The Plenary Hall was transformed into a mesmerizing spectacle of music and movement, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Borneo. Attendees had the privilege of witnessing these captivating performances and celebrating the diversity of our global community. Following the performances, we were delighted to announce the annual Manuk Lembukun Dance session, inviting all attendees to don their native attire and dance the night away.

Rebranding Wikimedia for Cosplay and AC World (1:55 PM - 2:10 PM, Plenary Hall):


Mr. Dody Ismoyo, President of Wikimedia Malaysia, took the stage in the Plenary Hall to lead a fascinating session, in his interesting choice of cosplay as a Minion! It was truly entertaining to see this side of him. He shared his extensive experience and passion for cosplay, a beloved hobby of his. Mr. Ismoyo discussed his active involvement in Wikimedia initiatives related to cosplay and highlighted the Wikimedia projects dedicated to this exciting world of costume play. It was an enlightening session that showcased the diverse interests and talents within our Wikimedia community.

Wikitraining for Boarding School (3:15 PM - 3:45 PM / Room 307)


I had the incredible opportunity to step into a new role as a presenter for a wiki training program, alongside Mr. Taufik Rosman. The setting for this adventure was SMK Elopura in Sandakan, Sabah, where we conducted a training session for boarding school students. As a first-timer, this experience pushed me out of my comfort zone, allowing me to explore uncharted territories.

The training aimed to impart knowledge and skills related to wiki editing and content creation, a valuable endeavor in the digital age. Little did I know that this opportunity would not only broaden my horizons but also become an international platform for sharing experiences.The session was scheduled to be an international affair, featuring attendees from Malaysia's delegate and several other Wikimedians from various countries. The mere thought of addressing such a diverse and esteemed audience left me feeling nervous, but I was determined to make the most of this valuable experience.

As the presentation began, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. It was a surreal moment, standing before an international audience, sharing insights on wiki training. Mr. Taufik Rosman and I embarked on a journey of knowledge transfer, and to our delight, the session flowed smoothly.The attendees were engaged and eager to learn, a testament to their dedication to expanding their wiki-editing skills. We addressed their queries, shared practical tips, and navigated the intricacies of Wikipedia together.

As the presentation drew to a close, a profound sense of satisfaction washed over me. I realized that stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing this opportunity had been well worth it. The knowledge shared and the connections forged during this session were indeed invaluable.This experience highlighted the beauty of collaboration within the Wikimedian community. It showcased our shared commitment to spreading knowledge and empowering individuals to become active contributors to the digital world. My journey as a presenter for this wiki training program will remain a cherished memory, reminding me of the endless possibilities that arise when we dare to explore the unknown.

Wikimania 2023 dinner and dance


As the sun set on the final evening of Wikimania 2023, we gathered for a grand celebration at the stunning Gardens by the Bay. This event marked the culmination of our time together, offering a chance to savor a delectable dinner and hit the dance floor. It was a delightful evening as we celebrated the Singapore 58th Birthday Flower Show, adding a touch of local charm to our gathering. The energy on the dance floor was infectious as we met and formed lasting friendships with fellow Wikimedians from around the world. The night was a fitting conclusion to an eventful and enriching Wikimania 2023.

Day 4 encapsulated the essence of our Wikimania experience—celebrating diverse cultures, sharing passions, and forging connections that transcend borders. It was a day that truly reflected the spirit of collaboration, learning, and camaraderie that defines our Wikimedia community.

Plans after the conference (from what was learned or contributed in the conference)


The Wikimania conference has been an enlightening and enriching experience, and I am eager to translate what I've learned and contributed during the conference into meaningful actions and initiatives. Here are my post-conference plans:

  • Continuing Contributions to Wikimedia Projects: I remain dedicated to actively making edits and contributions to various Wikimedia projects. In particular, I am committed to expanding the content related to my ethnic language, Kadazan Dusun, on platforms such as Wiktionary, Wikimedia Commons, and Wikimedia Incubator. By doing so, I aim to enrich the representation of my culture and heritage on the Wikimedia platform.
  • Prioritizing Documentation of Ethnic Language and Culture: The preservation of ethnic languages and cultures is of paramount importance to me. Therefore, I consider the documentation of my ethnic language and culture to be a central focus of Wikimedia initiatives. This entails creating and curating content that showcases the rich tapestry of traditions, languages, and histories within my community.
  • Exploring Collaborative Opportunities: I am eager to explore potential avenues for collaboration with the wider Wikimedia community. Collaboration is at the heart of the Wikimedia movement, and I believe that by working together, we can achieve greater impact and contribute meaningfully to the global repository of knowledge.
  • Sharing Knowledge and Experience: One of my goals is to impart the knowledge and insights I have gained from attending the conference to others. I am willing to mentor and guide newcomers, helping them navigate the world of Wikimedia and encouraging their active participation.
  • Promoting Wikimedia Projects: It is essential to raise awareness about the diverse range of Wikimedia projects and their accessibility to the global community. I plan to spread information about these projects to a wider audience, with a particular focus on encouraging newcomers to join our community.
  • Organizing Frequent School Meetups: Recognizing the value of knowledge sharing, I intend to organize regular meetups within my school, specifically targeting boarding school students. These meetups will provide a platform for students to collaboratively edit and add new information to Wikimedia projects. It's an opportunity to nurture a culture of active participation and contribution among young learners.
  • Engaging with Future Programs: I aspire to engage with the future programs initiated by the PPD Sandakan, with a primary objective of establishing Wikipedia as a formal co-curricular club in schools across the state. To realize this vision, PPD Sandakan plan to meet with JPN Sabah and propose this innovative idea, creating opportunities for students to actively engage with Wikimedia as part of their formal education.

In conclusion, my post-conference plans reflect a deep commitment to the Wikimedia movement, cultural preservation, community engagement, and education. These plans embody the core values of Wikimedia: knowledge sharing, collaboration, and inclusivity, and I look forward to making a meaningful impact in the days to come.

Comments/ suggestions about the conference


The conference I recently had the privilege of attending was nothing short of exceptional. In fact, I would go as far as to say that it stands as the best event I have ever been part of. The experience was not only enriching but also left me with a deep sense of inspiration and enthusiasm. While I have nothing but praise for the conference, I do have a valuable suggestion that I believe could enhance future editions of this event.

  • Recommendation: Involving School Community, Especially Students. One key recommendation I would like to put forward is to consider involving members of the school community, particularly students, as participants in future conferences. As an educator, I've witnessed firsthand the incredible potential for events like these to serve as powerful motivators for students to become active contributors to the Wikimedia platform. Such events can be seen as a form of extrinsic motivation for students, a unique opportunity to inspire and ignite their passion for knowledge sharing. The allure of participating in a global conference like this can be a driving force for students to actively engage with Wikimedia projects.
  • Impactful Exposure: Exposure to conferences of this nature can have a profound impact on young minds. It offers them a glimpse into a world of diverse cultures, languages, and ideas, leaving an indelible impression. This exposure not only broadens their horizons but also molds them into more informed and culturally sensitive individuals.
  • Building Better Individuals: By providing students with opportunities to participate in such events, we are nurturing the future generation to become better individuals. They learn the value of collaboration, cross-cultural communication, and the significance of sharing knowledge for the greater good.
  • Increasing Participation: Including students and the broader school community in future events would naturally lead to an increase in the number of participants. This, in turn, would contribute to a more diverse and inclusive conference. It would give us a chance to showcase the varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives within our community.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly commend the organizers for the outstanding conference and the impactful work being done within our group. My suggestion is intended to further enhance the conference by expanding its reach and influence, ultimately ensuring that it continues to be a beacon of knowledge sharing and collaboration. I eagerly anticipate the possibility of witnessing future conferences with a more diverse and inclusive participant base, knowing that it will only enrich our collective experience.

A special thanks to


I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Wikimania 2023 and Wikimedia Malaysia for granting me the extraordinary opportunity to be part of this exceptional event. The full scholarship to Singapore was a remarkable gift that allowed me to participate in an event that has had a profound impact on me. I am deeply thankful to PPD Sandakan for introducing me to this program, which opened the doors to a world of knowledge and collaboration. Your support and guidance have been instrumental in my journey. I must also express my sincere appreciation to Mr. Taufik Rosman, my co-presenter during the conference. Your partnership and shared dedication to our presentation were invaluable.

To the Bajau Samah community, my loyal companions throughout the conference, your camaraderie and support have meant the world to me. We have shared an incredible experience together. I would like to acknowledge Bernama News, IPG Kent Tuaran, and my fellow Wikimedians who have contributed to making this event a resounding success. Your collective efforts have enriched our community. To the dedicated lecturers of IPG Kent and the Malaysian Delegates to Wikimania Singapore 2023, I am truly grateful for your mentorship and guidance.

As I reflect on my experience at Wikimania 2023, I am committed to making the most of the knowledge and experiences I have gained. While I am uncertain about the possibility of attending the next Wikimania conference in Poland, I eagerly look forward to it. My preparations will be even more thorough, and I anticipate sharing a new story from my journey in Wiki training for boarding school students.

Once again, thank you to all who have made this experience possible. Your support and encouragement have been a source of inspiration, and I am eager to continue my contributions to the Wikimedia community.