Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong/Resolutions/Board Resolutions/Member List Privacy Protection
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Resolution of Directors
Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong
(Member List Privacy Protection)
WHEREAS the Directors have determined it necessary to protect the privacy and safety of the members of Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong ("WMHKG"); and
WHEREAS a meeting of the Directors was held in the internal Telegram group for WMHKG board members in and between 8th August 2024 and 9th August 2024; and
- The member list of WMHKG shall no longer be visible to the public;
- This measure is implemented to fulfill the duty of WMHKG to keep its members safe;
- Access to the member list shall be restricted to authorized personnel only, as determined by the Directors;
THE DIRECTORS FURTHER RESOLVED that this board resolution could be amended, replaced, voided by a resolution of the Board, or a written order of at least one Directors, or a resolution of the general meeting which is being taken on this matter.
For and on Behalf of the WMHKG Board,
User:Borschts (Curtis)
Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong
Date: 9th August 2024