Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong/Resolutions/Board Resolutions/Member List Privacy Protection

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Resolution of Directors
Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong

(Member List Privacy Protection)

Ref: BR#2024/00001

   WHEREAS the Directors have determined it necessary to protect the privacy and safety of the members of Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong ("WMHKG"); and

   WHEREAS a meeting of the Directors was held in the internal Telegram group for WMHKG board members in and between 8th August 2024 and 9th August 2024; and


  • The member list of WMHKG shall no longer be visible to the public;
  • This measure is implemented to fulfill the duty of WMHKG to keep its members safe;
  • Access to the member list shall be restricted to authorized personnel only, as determined by the Directors;

   THE DIRECTORS FURTHER RESOLVED that this board resolution could be amended, replaced, voided by a resolution of the Board, or a written order of at least one Directors, or a resolution of the general meeting which is being taken on this matter.

For and on Behalf of the WMHKG Board,

User:Borschts (Curtis)


Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong

Date: 9th August 2024