Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong/Resolutions/Board Resolutions/Extension of Term of Office of 2019-2020 Board Members
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Resolution of Board Members
Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong
(Extension of Term of Office of 2019-2020 Board Members)
WHEREAS the resolution made in a virtual meetup of Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong (“WMHKG”) on 27th September 2020;
- To extend the current board members' term of office of 14 calendar days, from 27th September 2020 11:59 (UTC), to 11th October 2020 11:59 (UTC). During such a period, the current board will be acting as a caretaker board;
- The extension will be terminated, once the list of new 2020-2021 board members is officially released.
THE BOARD MEMBERS FURTHER RESOLVED that this board resolution could be amended, replaced, voided by a resolution of the Board, or a written order of at least one board member, or a resolution of the general meeting which is being taken on this matter.
Date: 27th September 2020
User:だ*ぜ (Dasze)
Board Member
Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong