Wikimedia CH/Project/European Water Project

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A collaboration with Wikimedia Switzerland and OpenStreetMap
Instructions for adding a fountain

The first time it is a bit complicated, but subsequent fountain additions will be a breeze. And remember, your contribution is valuable.

Instructions for adding a fountain :

Once a drinking fountain is created in OpenStreetMap, it will be freely available to the public on the Water-Map Web App. It might just take a few days, so we thank you for your patience.

Add a new fountain


Log on OpenStreetMap:
Create an account if you don’t already have one.

The OpenStreetMap account is distinct from that of Wikimedia Commons.

EWP Instr OSM Sign Up

Zoom in using the + in the top right and search for the area where the fountain is located.

EWP Instr OSM Zoom to town

If you have the geocoordinates of the fountain location, you can enter them in the url as shown in the illustration. It will help you zoom in and center the map at that location. But in any case, you must manually place the fountain location point to make it work.
In the example url shown in the picture:
Zoom = 16
Latitude = 46.34259
Longitude = 6.12495

EWP Instructions OSM URL Point Edit Mode

Click on the Edit button. The map will change to satellite mode.

EWP Instructions OSM go to Edit mode

Once in Edit mode, the cursor will become a cross until you place the fountain on the map.

EWP Instructions OSM Edit Point cursor becomes cross

After clicking on the map, a highlighted point will show up where you want to add the fountain. You can drag the point on the map to place it exactly at the fountain location.

EWP Instrucitons OSM Point added on map

On the left of your screen, click on "select feature type". This takes you to a page where you will give attributes to the fountain.

EWP Instructions OSM Select Feature Type

For modern, drinking fountains:

Scroll down menu to « All tags ».
In the tag section, click on « + » to add attributes for the fountain you want to add.

We suggest for modern fountains to describe them with the following tags:
amenity = drinking_water and
name = "name of the fountain" (if any).

EWP Instructions OSM tag1 fountain drinking water

For stone fountains:

Scroll down menu to « All tags ».
In the tag section, click on « + » to add attributes for the fountain you want to add.

We suggest for stone fountains to describe them with the following tags:
amenity = fountain,
drinking_water = yes and
name = "name of the fountain" (if any).

EWP Instructions OSM tag1 fountain drinking water

You are almost there ! 2 last steps to save your new fountain properly:
Click on the save button on the top right of the screen.

EWP Instr OSM save button

In the upper left window of the screen, under « Changeset comment », write : « Added new fountain ».

Click on « Upload ».

Congratulations, you have just added a new water fountain!

EWP Instr OSM Confirm Upload

Edit a fountain


This section explains how to edit a fountain which exists in OpenStreetMap.

Log on OpenStreetMap:
Create an account if you don’t already have one.

The OpenStreetMap account is distinct from that of Wikimedia Commons.

EWP Instr OSM Sign Up

Zoom in to the area of the map where the fountain is located.

Click on Edit on the top left of your screen to go into Edit mode. When the map becomes darker, goes into satellite view and the Edit button is highlighted, you are in the edit mode.

EWP Instructions OSM zoom to fountain area

While in Edit mode, select the fountain you want to edit by selecting it with the cursor.

Once selected the water fountain will be highlighted red.

EWP Instructions OSM after edit select fountain

On the menu on the left, expand the section with the tags if it is not already expanded.

Click on "+" to add a tag section.

Scroll down the choices in the new tag section menu and select "image".

EWP Instructions OSM Finding the tag fields

In the tag section, you can edit information about the fountain. For example, you can add a name to the fountain or indicate that the water fountain isn't suitable for drinking.
In this case, we suggest tagging the fountain as:

a) amenity = fountain
b) drinking_water = no

EWP Instructions OSM tag fountain not drinking water

On the top right, click on save.

EWP Instructions OSM Click Save

Before loading the change, you need to say what change you made to the fountain. For example: "added a name" or "deleted amenity drinking water".

EWP Instructions OSM upload change

After the change has been made, you should re-query the fountain to make sure your change has been made.

Congratulations, you have succesfully edited a fountain!

EWP Instructions osm query to confirm