Wikimedia CH/Micro Grant/Scarred But Winners

Please provide the following information for your micro-grant request:

Your Username:Smiling Rainbow

Your Country of residence:India

Amount requested: Total US$1000 It will be a six months long project that I will be doing with another volunteer and US$1000 (Approximately) will be utilized in the following manner:

  • Old Laptop - $200
  • Printer - $70
  • Router - $20
  • Broadband Connection - $35
  • Internet Expenses (6ms) - $80
  • Telephone Expenses (6ms) -$60
  • Office Stationery (6ms) - $90
  • Book Publishing - $150
  • Book Promotion - $300
  • Total - $1005 (M/L)

Planned activity:Presently acid attack is a well-known phenomenon; not only developing or underdeveloped countries even the developed countries are also experiencing that heinous crime. According to Acid Survivors Trust International (ASTI) each year around 1500 acid violence cases gets recorded worldwide & UK has one of the highest rates of acid attacks per capita. In India 50% of acid attack victims belong to Northern Zone of India & remaining 50% in rest of the country. No such extensive research has been conducted so far which can clearly identify the reason behind that particular trend that triggers this heinous form of crime so differently in different zones of India. On the contrary 21st Century observing a pretty disturbing trend of extensive rise in acid attack cases in developed nations as well & it alone shows not only living being; if given the right environment then some type of crime also can migrate from developing world to developed world. On the contrary, the treatment process for survivors is a lifelong expensive process & many Indian survivors avoid their medication because they just can't afford the expenses. Therefore the purpose of that 6 months long project would be as follows:

  • Extensive research on acid attack cases perpetrated both in UK & India in last five years;
  • The particular socio-economical ecosystem that nurture acid violence in both developed and developing nations;
  • Identifying all those measures that can curb (or better extinct) that heinous form of crime from the face of the earth;
  • Preparing a data of those Indian places where acid burn patients gets quality treatment for free or at pretty subsidized rates;
  • Preparing a data of psychiatrists and psychologists who are specialist in providing support to these survivors;
  • Providing 100's of case history with photos of acid attack survivors with their personal contact details to enable readers to support these survivors directly without any kind of intervention from any third party;
  • Preparing a data of those non-profit organizations which provides support to survivors.
  • Publishing a book with all these information and uploading the book on Kindle and other e-book sites, where anybody can download the e-copy of book for free of cost.


People involved
(e.g. How many people can benefit from the micro grant you request): That project would benefit thousands of acid attack survivors around the world as it will provide both inspiration and information to them. That's why 30% of that budget would be utilised in promotional purpose of that book on different kind of digital platforms.

Please explain what influence your activity will have on Wikimedia Projects
(e.g. quantitative: number of new pictures uploaded to commons, no of new articles created / qualitative: strengthen the community of german-speaking wikipedia authors etc,):

  • We would provide 300 exclusive pictures of acid attack survivors before and after their attacks.
  • We would provide 60 exclusive articles based on journey of acid attack survivors.

Please provide links to your contributions after your project or activity ended:
We would provide all the links and reports on monthly basis during the execution period of that project.

Please provide the links to the categories on Wikimedia Commons, to the articles on Wikipedia or any other contributions on Wikimedia projects:
We would provide all links as we are asked by the officials of the Wikimedia. We would execute our project transparently and absolutely on the basis of the guidelines of Wikimedia.

Important: AFTER having submitted your request, please write an eMail to with your contact details (at least: Name, Surname, Email address)