Wikimedia CH/Call for projects 2018/Wiki on Stage 2018
Legal name of organization or individual requesting this grant: Sabine Lantermann
Username on Wikimedia project:
Project name: Wiki On Stage 2018
Please provide a detailed description of your project, including the names of the partners and people involved: In order to fill the gender gap, this project is focussed on female composers & musicians. We propose starting with piano playing ones such as de:Misia Sert, de:Clara Schumann and de:Marie Jaell.
Please explain what influence your activity will have on Wikimedia Projects, especially detailing the metrics associated to this project :
(Quantitative: number of new pictures uploaded to commons, number of active and new editors involved, number of new articles created & Qualitative: strengthen the community of XXX etc)
The aim of the concerts is furthermost to show the importance of keeping the knowledge even for not so famous female artists in Wikipedia - ok, our three examples are famous, but there are so much more to continue and to explore, these three should only be the sizzling start to give appetite. Thereby we want to invite existing and potential founders to create a great evening for them, a great & unforgetable memory.
Please provide a detailed budget for your request: Inviting Johanna Maria Hennig, a german piano concert player who already won several prices, and her rehearsals with e.g. Tonhalle-Orchester is estimated with 15'000 to 20'000 CHF. It depends on how much the orchestra we choose would contribute itself by giving the concert hall for free or publishing the event for free etc.
How does your project fulfill WMCH's strategic focus on GLAM, Education and Community programs? Initiate further GLAM-on-Tour-Editatons on the topic "female musicians" -> and then having articles written and new members generated, focused on new female authors.
Provide the provisional target start date and completion date: Start Date: January 2018 (because of the elaboration of the rehearsal schedule and the possible concert dates). Completion Date: November 2018 (because in December, most of the invited could have other obligations).
Provide any other information you believe helps to understand your project better (links, background stories): See Johanna Maria Hennig on her site and on Facebook and hear her play. Read the article about Marie Jaell or Misia Sert.
Community endorsements:
The Wikimedia community is invited to endorse proposals or discuss any concerns they have on proposal talk pages. As soon as you draft your proposal, you should notify areas of the community (via village pump, mailing list, talk page, or other project-appropriate venues) that are most likely to be impacted or involved in your project. Community support is a factor in review, so please post a link to the notification and any relevant discussions in the section provided on your proposal, and encourage community members to post feedback on your proposal page.
WP:ZH, as it is the likeliest place to propose possible dates
Please note that only applications that have been completed in full will be considered.
If you are not able to submit your request via a wiki, please use the same template and send your proposal via