Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023/Submissions/Meet the CEE Youth group

Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023 Logo ID : 74 CEE Youth: who are we and what we do!
Author(s): Barbara Klen, Toni Ristovski, Klára Joklová Username(s): Barbara Klen, Toni Ristovski and Klára Joklová Type of submission: workshop
Affiliation: CEE Hub Theme(s): Education, Community Engagement, Partnerships, Diversity.

CEE Hub initiated the formation of the CEE Youth Group which is open to all Wikimedians from the CEE Region which are younger than 26 years. During this lightning talk, several young people who already joined this group will tell you more about their work, goals and plans. We want to hear from them what their idea and vision of the future of the Movement is.

Level of advancement: Basic
Special requirements:
How will this session be beneficial for the communities in the region of CEE?

Learn about activities which young Wikimedians are undertaking and getting better understanding of community building which includes working with younger generations.

Interested participants


(register below and ask your questions now to the session organizer)

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