Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023/Submissions/Join the Global Templates revolution!

Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023 Logo ID : 31 Join the Global Templates revolution!
Author(s): KuboF Hromoslav Username(s): KuboF Hromoslav Type of submission: poster
Affiliation: Esperanto and Free Knowledge Theme(s):

On-wiki technology has a problem. A huge part of it comes from templates and modules - that are developed in a decentralised way (quite separately in every single wiki). This set up an entry barrier especially high for small, underrepresented communities, which have only a few or no users with advanced (and quite rare) skills, like programing and visual design. But a huge part of that problem can be solved - if templates and modules would be usable on all wikis from a central repository (like images from Commons). This revolution is proposed to be done by Global Templates. And it can be done with a bit of your support!

Level of advancement: medium
Special requirements:
How will this session be beneficial for the communities in the region of CEE?

The increased awareness of the possibility of global templates will heighten the probability that global templates will be implemented and deployed, so they will make technical work on Wikimedia wikis more accessible to all wikis, especially to small, underrepresented ones with low technical capacity.

Interested participants


(register below and ask your questions now to the session organizer)

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