Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Team

Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017 is organised by Wikimedia Polska, Wikimedia's local chapter in Poland, with a membership base of over 100 people and with 4 full-time paid employees. On this page you can get to know the core team of the project, working on all stages of planning and preparations. However, for the conference itself the team will be expanded by adding more volunteers.

Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017
Warsaw, Poland, September 22-25

CEE Meeting 2017 Core Team

Photo Name Role
  Tomasz Ganicz


  • overall project coordination
  • budget planning
  • WMF grant issues (coordination of grant application and grant report)
  Jarosław Błaszczak


  • management of human resources (paid staff, long-term volunteers, short-term volunteers)
  • local transport coordinator in Warsaw
  • chief project liason for WMF and affiliates
  Natalia Szafran-Kozakowska


  • coordination of the Programme Committee and its entire process
  • coordination of the conference records (audio / video / notes)
  • social media output
  Krzysztof Machocki


  • all issues to do with the venue (POLIN Museum), hotel and meals
  • outreach to the Polish and international news media
  Anna Matusiak
  • travel arrangements for participants (airline tickets etc.)
  • all other issues to do with grant-funded scholarships for participants
  • travel assistance for WMF staff and other special guests
  • registration desk duties
  • back office support for the entire project
  Marta Malina Moraczewska
  • coordination of the cultural programme for participants
  • tours of POLIN Museum main exhibition
  • Warsaw sightseeing etc.
  • registration desk duties
  Małgorzata Wilk


  • design and purchase of conference merchandise (shirts etc.)
  • registration desk duties
  Marek Stelmasik


  • supervision of all project finances
  • payments processing
  Michał Buczyński

(User:Aegis Maelstrom)

  • assistance and advice to the Project Lead in all matters related to WMF grant for the project
  • siightseeing Warsaw tours help
  Wojciech Pędzich


  • supervision of all visa-related matters
  Janusz Dorożyński
