Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Programme/Submission/Teaching educators to reach students

Title of your proposal


Teaching educators to reach students

Name(s) and/or username(s)

Nebojša Ratković, User:Neboysha87
Wikimedia Serbia, Education Program Manager


  • Wikipedia & Education (Wikiworkshops and other methods of teaching how to edit wiki project / Wikipedia in education / using wikipedia and sister projects as an educational tool)

Type of submission (Please choose one)

  • Presentation (one-to-many)



In this session the most successful WMRS projects within Education program will be presented. A special accent will be places on a quality of students articles and on the sustainability of the projects. It is very important to train teachers on how to be actively involved in the implementation of Education program in their institution. We will also point out some other practices so other Wikimedia chapters could apply some of them in practice.

Expected outcomes


Participants will get better insight into WMRS Education program, the successes and challenges that we encounter in our work. They will have the opportunity to learn how to implement something from what we do, such as accredited seminars or wiki student project. In addition, they will see the benefits of training teachers in order to work independently.

Duration (without Q&A)

  • 15 minutes

Specific requirements

  • Projector for static slides (PDF on a USB stick).
  • Network and projector connection for showing live examples.

Slides or further information

Teaching educators to reach students - CEE 2017

Interested attendees (Please add yourself, and you may indicate your questions to the presenter).

  1. --Nickispeaki (talk) 10:33, 28 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]