Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Programme/Submission/Do we want (need) a CEE newsletter?

Title of your proposal


Do we want (need) a CEE newsletter?

Name(s) and/or username(s)

Vassia Atanassova, User:Spiritia
Wikimedians of Bulgaria


  • Regional/international wiki projects (New CEE wide projects/contest)
  • Volunteer support and Volunteer recruitment
  • Media outreach

Type of submission (Please choose one)

  • Open discussion (many-to-many)



The monthly newsletters This Month in GLAM and This Month in Education have proved well working and useful for the global Wikimedian community, and it can be observed that there has been a gradually increasing interest of CEE communities to report their news and success stories in them.

YYYY-MM GLAM Newsletter Education Newsletter
2017-05 Macedonia Greece
2017-04 Macedonia Armenia, Czech Republic
2017-03 Bulgaria, Macedonia Turkey
2017-02 Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia Greece, Nagorno Karabakh
2017-01 Estonia, Macedonia, Ukraine n/a
2016-12 - Greece, Macedonia
2016-11 Macedonia, Ukraine n/a
2016-10 Bulgaria, Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine n/a
2016-09 Czech Republic, Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine Armenia, Greece, Russia, Turkey
2016-08 Estonia, Macedonia, Republic of Srpska n/a
2016-07 Macedonia n/a
2016-06 Macedonia Greece, Estonia, Czech Republic
2016-05 Latvia, Macedonia n/a
2016-04 Bulgaria, Macedonia, Poland n/a
2016-03 Greece, Latvia, Macedonia, Republic of Srpska, Serbia Czech Republic
2016-02 Macedonia n/a
2016-01 Macedonia n/a
2015-12 Bulgaria, Macedonia Armenia, Bulgaria, CEE, Czech Republic, Greece, Serbia
2015-11 - n/a
2015-10 Macedonia n/a
2015-09 Macedonia n/a
2015-08 - -
2015-07 - -
2015-06 Czech Republic, Macedonia Armenia, Greece
2015-05 Macedonia, Poland -
2015-04 Macedonia, Poland Armenia, Greece, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine
2015-03 Poland Czech Republic
2015-02 Armenia, Greece, Poland Armenia, Greece, Serbia
2015-01 Czech Republic Czech Republic
2014-12 - Serbia
2014-11 - -
2014-10 - Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Ukraine
2014-09 - Czech Republic
2014-08 - Armenia
2014-07 - Czech Republic, Macedonia
2014-06 - Armenia, Czech Republic, Serbia
2014-05 Czech Republic Armenia, Serbia
2014-04 - -
2014-03 - Czech Republic
2014-02 - Czech Republic
2014-01 - Serbia
2013-12 - -
2013-11 - Czech Republic
2013-10 Czech Republic -
2013-09 - -
2013-08 - -
2013-07 - -
2013-06 - -
2013-05 Czech Republic -
2013-04 Hungary Czech Republic
2013-03 - -
2013-02 Kosovo -
2013-01 - -
2012-12 - -
2012-11 - -
2012-10 - -
2012-09 - Czech Republic
2012-08 Serbia Austria, Czech Republic
2012-07 - n/a
2012-06 - n/a
2012-05 - n/a
2012-04 Bulgaria n/a
2012-03 Bulgaria, Russia, Serbia n/a
2012-02 Czech Republic, Russia n/a
2012-01 Russia n/a
2011-12 Russia n/a
2011-11 Russia n/a
2011-10 Serbia n/a
2011-09 - n/a
2011-08 - n/a
2011-07 - n/a
2011-06 - n/a
2011-05 Czech Republic n/a
2011-04 - n/a
2011-03 - n/a
2011-02 - n/a
2011-01 - n/a

The starting point of the discussion is that these trends are probably indicative of our need to share more of our results, not only in these, but also in other areas of interest.

Topics of discussion
  • Do we need a "slow" medium like the monthly / bimonthly / quarterly newsletter to document / archive our cross-regional stories
    • Or we are happy with the currently available platforms in the "fast" social media (FB group)
  • Which topics are to be covered within the scope of newsletter?
    • Articles for GLAM and Education in particular can be reused?
    • What other topics would be important to cover?
  • What regularity is optimal for us?
  • Where shall it be maintained (Meta, Outreach)?
  • Shall we follow the existing organizational approaches with "This month in {GLAM; Education}"?
  • Are there volunteers to maintain the newsletter and author the texts?

Expected outcomes


Even if a final decision is not being reached, the discussion can help us better clarify our needs in terms of regional out/in-reach.

Duration (without Q&A)


40 minutes.

Specific requirements


Preferably a round table.

Slides or further information


Interested attendees (Please add yourself, and you may indicate your questions to the presenter).

  1. --Violetova (talk) 21:50, 27 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]