Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/See the stunning winning photographs from Wiki Loves Earth 2015/it

Posted Oct 15th 2015, translations are welcomed!


  • Vedi le fotografie mozzafiato e vincitrici di Wiki Ama la Terra 2015


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Il nostro vincitore del 2015 viene dal Lago Kachura inferiore, una popolare destinazione turistica nel Central Karakoram National Park, distretto di Skardu, Pakistan. foto di Zaeemsiddiq, rilasciata sotto [ CC BY-SA 3.0


Wiki Loves Earth, un concorso dove i partecipanti fanno fotografia di areee naturali e protette e caricano i loro lavori su Wikimedia Commons, si è tenuto a livello internazionale per la seconda volta nel 2015 in 25 paesi. Il concorso è trminato e siamo in grado di presentarvi i vincitori internazionali.

L'obiettivo di Wiki Loves Earth è duplice. In primo luogo, puntiamo a fotografare quanti più monumenti naturali e aree protette possibili e rilasciare la documentazione fotografica sotto una licenza libera. In secondo luogo contribuiamo alla protezione ambientale sensibilizzando l'opinione pubblica.

The idea of Wiki Loves Earth began in Ukraine in 2013. In 2014, Wiki Loves Earth was joined by 15 other countries from four different continents—Europe, Asia, Africa and America.

During 2015, over 100,000 pictures were submitted by the participants.

Wiki Loves Earth was organised through numerous national contests, coordinated by local volunteers. The national juries then submitted up to 10 pictures to the international stage of the contest. With 26 participating countries, the international jury had to consider a total of 259 candidate pictures. The jury selected and ranked the photos in several stages by means of a dedicated web tool.

The international jury was composed of 9 photographers from different countries, all experienced in nature photography: Dmytro Balkhovitin (Ukraine), Matthew Buck (Great Britain), Dietmar Bartz (Germany), Walaa Abdel Manaem (Egypt), Alex Wang (USA), Katerina Zareva-Simeonova (Bulgaria), Zeynel Cebeci (Turkey), Susanne Plank (Austria) and Yathin Krishnappa (India).

After careful evaluation jury members have selected the following images, in addition to the winning image above.

Second place: a view of the Laurisilva (laurel forest) of Madeira, Portugal. Photo by Jnvalves, licensed under [ CC BY-SA 3.0


Third place: the Alpine ibex (Capra ibex), or Steinbock, in an Austrian national park in the Hohe Tauern mountain range. Photo by Bernd Thaller, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 3.0


Fourth place: a spider (Misumena vatia) with a freshly killed bee in the Bratental nature reserve, near Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany. Photo by Suhaknoke, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 3.0


Fifth place: a European bee-eater (Merops apiaster) in Ichkeul National Park, Tunisia. Photo by Elgollimoh, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 3.0


Sixth place: Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine. Photo by Vian and retouched by Iifar, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 4.0


Seventh place: Wolayer See and surrounding area, Carinthia, Austria. Photo by GeKo15, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 3.0


Eight place: cormorants at dusk on the pond of Vaccarès, France. Photo by Ddeveze, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 3.0


Ninth place: limestone stalagmites inside the Anhumas Abyss, Brasil. Photo by Caio Vilela, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 3.0


Tenth place: High Tatras as seen from the Polish Spisz, Tatry Natura 2000 Special Area of Conservation, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland. Photo by Łukasz Śmigasiewicz, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 3.0 (pl)


Eleventh place: Greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus), Salines de Thyna Ramsar site, Tunisia. Photo by Elgollimoh, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 3.0


Twelfth place: Khlong Lan Waterfall, Khlong Lan National Park, Kamphaeng Phet Province, Thailand. Photo by Khunkay, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 3.0


Thirteenth place: the Malakatyn River at Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island, part of the Lena Delta Wildlife Reserve, Sakha, Russia. Photo by Boris Solovyev, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 3.0


Fourteenth place: Morning in Tolkuse bog, Luitemaa Nature Conservation Area, Pärnu County, Estonia. Photo by Märt Kose, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 3.0


Fifteenth place: Lines left after skiing on the snowy slopes of Baba Mountain, Pelister National Park, Macedonia. Photo by Ptahhotep, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 4.0


Special nomination: Apis Mellifera drone—moment at birth, Ribeirão Preto, Brasil. This image received a high rating from the jurors, but as it was not taken in a protected area, it was not eligible for an award. Photo by Jonathan Wilkins, freely licensed under [ CC-by-SA 3.0


The full report of the international jury, explaining the work of the jury, selection process and presenting the results together with comments of the jury, is available.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you for everyone who worked on organisation of the contest this year!

Vira Motorko (WMUA)
Wiki Loves Earth 2015 International team


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