Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Introducing

Title ideas

  • Introducing
  • ...



A brief, one-paragraph summary of the post's content, about 20-80 words. On the blog, this will be shown in the chronological list of posts or in the featured post carousel on top, next to a "Read more" link.

  • ...



Today, we're launching a URL shortener for all Wikimedia projects. This isn't an endorsement of URL shorteners though, they're actually pretty problematic and are a privacy and reliability concern. URL shorteners can see all of your traffic and when they inevitably go down, leave a pile of broken links in their wake. So, we're being proactive and publishing dumps of shortened URLs so people can determine link targets even if the shortener goes down. And consistent with our privacy policy, we don't track what pages you visit. We'd rather you not use a URL shortener at all, but if you're going to use one, hopefully this one will suck less than others.

You can get the shortened URL for any page on a Wikimedia project by clicking "Get shortened URL" in the toolbox on the left side, or by visiting "Special:UrlShortener" on any wiki and pasting in a URL.

File:Example Creative Commons image.jpg
Caption caption caption goes here. Image by Author Name, License with appropriate link to Creative Commons.
File:Example public domain image.jpg
Caption caption caption goes here. Image by Author Name, public domain/CC0.


Your name, your affiliation

