Wikimania 2022/Scholarships/Wikimedia Polska/Report

Scholarship process


The scholarships were distributed by a committee of community members supported by a WMPL community support staff member and the office manager. The process was designed to be very straightforward and providing the applicant a quick decission.

All the applications were accepted and all applicants have received funding.

Item Number
Number of scholarships 9
Small equipement sets funded 3
Number of live events organized 3
Number of people participating in live events 27
Number of online participants who received lunch sets 6
Number data packages funded 2
Wikimania stickers!

Other items funded:

  • transport for person with special needs
  • Wikimania swag


Wikimania event in Katowice

We have organized 3 live events for watching or discussing Wikimania. They have been organized in 3 cities, where the most active local communities are based:

  • Warsaw
  • Katowice
  • Poznań

Overall 27 people participated. To make the events accesible and inclusive we provided childcare during the events and funded transport for people with special needs.


  • it is important that the process is simple and quick so that it is easy to participate
  • for the first time we organized a longdistance (250 km) transport for a person with special needs, which helped us to work on processes for similar future cases and implement them for our future events
  • combing an online event with local live events helped in brining the Wikimania festive atmosphere to our community!



budget link