Wikimania 2022/Scholarships/Wikimedia Argentina

Applications are not required to be in English. Please complete the application in your preferred language.

Wikimanía Litoraleña
Encuentro de la comunidad y salida fotográfica en el marco de Wikimanía.
start date18 julio
start year2022
end date31 de agosto
end year2022
budget (local currency)555300 $ARS
budget (USD)4628 USD
typeCapítulo local
contact(s)• de(_AT_)

Project Plan




What Wikimedia movement affiliate do you represent?

  • Wikimedia Argentina

How will the funding requested support your community’s participation at Wikimania?
Please review following eligible activities and expenses below, and write below any that will be included in your activities.

  • Childcare services (or similar family services) to support Wikimania participation
  • Data packages to distribute to Wikimania participants
  • Administrative or operational costs for to distribute funds to community members, such as transfer fees
  • Small hardware expenses to support access (such as webcams, microphones, head/earphones)
    Note: Requests for computers, laptops, tablets, and other personal devices are not eligible.
  • Translation services for a Wikimania session
  • Video production support for pre-recorded Wikimania sessions (such as equipment or space)
  • In-person meetups that coincide with Wikimania activities (food, beverage, meeting space)
  • Printed artwork, conference swag/merchandise for event participants

Desde Wikimedia Argentina vamos a usar los fondos para:

  • Administrative or operational costs for to distribute funds to community members, such as transfer fees
  • In-person meetups that coincide with Wikimania activities (food, beverage, meeting space)
  • Printed artwork, conference swag/merchandise for event participants


Con el objetivo de fortalecer los lazos comunitarios, así como federalizar la participación de voluntarios en Argentina, se propone realizar un encuentro de la comunidad de Wikimedia Argentina, por primera vez, fuera de Buenos Aires. En el marco de celebración de Wikimania 2022, este encuentro es una propuesta para no solo compartir experiencias y aprender de otras iniciativas a nivel regional y global, sino para trabajar sobre los desafíos y oportunidades que tenemos como comunidad, fortalecer nuestras capacidades y “celebrar” el compromiso y pertinencia de la comunidad de Wikimedia Argentina.

Para ello, en el marco de Wikimanía, vamos a llevar a cabo un encuentro de dos días, con las siguientes actividades (tentativas) en Santa Fe, Argentina.

  • Encuentro de la comunidad: engagement y nuevos miembros
  • Salida fotográfica. Mapeo local cultural y de biodiversidad.
  • Streaming de Wikimanía y participación en paneles.
  • Espacio de aprendizaje y de transferencia de expertise liderado por la comunidad.

If you are planning to distribute funds to community members, such as by running a local scholarship program, please provide additional detail on how you will organize this process.
Please provide a summary explaining the following:

  • how you will invite community members to apply for funding,
  • the criteria you will use to determine eligibility, and
  • the processes or services you will use to distribute funds.

This description does not need to be comprehensive, but should generally explain the process for how community members will receive funds or support to participate in Wikimania. For support on eligibility criteria, feel free to review this reviewer's guide for previous Wikimania scholarship programs.
If you are not distributing funds to community members, please write N/A below.

Esperamos llevar a cabo un encuentro con 25 personas. Para seleccionarlos vamos a proceder de la siguiente manera:

  • Abrir una convocatoria e inscripción para el evento en nuestra comunidad.
  • Estableceremos criterios de selección. Principalmente
    • Geográfico: se buscará seleccionar voluntarios de distintas provincias de Argentina.
    • Newcomers: priorizar la participación por primera vez de voluntarios/as
    • Engagement: los voluntarios seleccionados tienen que participar de al menos un proyecto impulsado por Wikimedia Argentina.
  • Wikimedia Argentina se encargará directamente del manejo de los fondos, por lo que no habrá una transferencia directa a las personas participantes.



Please provide a range or estimate for the number of participants the funding will support.
It is OK if this is estimate is based on limited information, but we want to have an idea of how your activities will support community participation in Wikimania. Some examples:

  • 3-5 participants will receive childcare support to support their participation at Wikimania.
  • 10 participants will receive hardware support
  • 10-20 participants will receive data packages to support their participation at Wikimania
  • 15 personas recibirán apoyo de movilidad para participar de la reunión
  • 25 wikimedistas de al menos 3 provincias de Argentina participarán de las actividades.
  • 10 personas participando por primera vez de un encuentro de la comunidad.
  • Incorporar 1 nueva alianza a Wikimedia Argentina



How you will use the funds you are requesting? Please use the following categories for your expenses. Don’t forget to include a total amount, and update this amount in the Probox at the top of your page too!

  • Childcare services (or similar family services)
  • Data packages to distribute to Wikimania participants
    In addition to a total budget, please indicate the average data cost per person who will receive funds for this need.
  • Administrative or operational costs for distributing funds
  • Small hardware expenses to support access
  • Translation services for a Wikimania session
  • Video production support
  • Wikimania meetups and watch parties during the days of the event
  • Printed artwork, conference swag/merchandise for event participants
Item Descripción Número Costo en $ ARS Costo en $USD
Venue Espacio para los talleres 1 espacio 80000 667
Transporte Pasajes en colectivo 15 becas 190000 1584
Comida Almuerzo/merienda/cena 7 (x25 participantes) 180000 1500
Remeras Souvenir de participación en el encuentro 30 unidades 105300 877
Total 555300 ARS 4628 USD

*Cotización del dólar al día 2/6/22: 1 dólar=120 pesos argentinos.

Completing your application


Once you have completed the application, please do the following:

  • Change the application status from status=draft to status=proposed in the {{Probox}} template.
  • Contact wikimana to confirm your submission, as well as to request any support around your application.