Wikimania 2022/Individual Reports/Nzechimere

Welcome back from Wikimania 2022! Please write your report here. Once you have completed the application, please email the link to wikimania(_AT_) (by 20 September 2022). If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us.

How did you attend Wikimania (virtually or in-person)? virtually
What did you spend the scholarship funds on? I spent the grant given to me on data, phone accessories to enable me to listen on my laptop without noise I also used the grant given to me to fund some Users with data so they can benefit from the event
Takeaways – choose 3 specific Wikimania sessions you attended and describe your key take-aways per session.
The wikimania sessions were educative I attended the Digital security bases , Movement strategy implementation and Hackathon workshop
How did you connect with other people during Wikimania 2022? I met people from different part of the globe they were kind and I chatted some private for weight to know each other, it was Cool
How did you celebrate at Wikimania 2022? It was worth celebrating so I celebrated it at home and with friends whom I also invited to Wikimedia to become an editor too
 I'm glad to be a member of the Wikimedians community
(Optional) Please share link(s) to your social media post(s) about Wikimania