Wikimania 2012/Bids/Washington, D.C./Venues
Criteria | Mayflower | Georgetown | Hyatt |
Venue What buildings? |
Conference center Is a conference center facility? link? |
On-site hotel Is there an on-campus/site hotel? room rates? |
Dorms Dorm availability? nightly rate? |
Nearby hotels List 4 nearest/nearby + distance + rates |
Plenary capacity What's the capacity for plenary sessions? |
Breakout rooms How many breakout rooms are there? List them + theater seating capacity |
Social space Describe the social/lounge space available |
Wi-fi Is it included in venue price? is it free? |
Catering Who is the caterer? link? cost per day/person? |
Airport access How to get to venue from airport? cost? time? distance? |
Public transport What are the public transport options? What is the transit score? |
Downtown access How to get to Chinatown metro? How many transfers? time? distance? cost? |
Nearby restaurants List 5+ nearby sitdown restaurants? cuisine? price-range? distance from venue; List ~5 nearby inexpensive, fast-food type places + distance? |
Nearby pharmacy? What/where is the nearest pharmacy? 24 hours? distance? |
Walkable nbhd What is the walk score? |
See & do List 5+ nearby attractions + distance |
University contacts Do we have university contacts? who? |
University support Do we have support from department chair? university president? |
Venue experience w/ big conferences |
Cost What is the cost for the meeting space |