Wikimédia France/Annual report 2012

In progress



We worked with



  • 130 teachers and librarians
  • 350 high school students
  • 60 students
  • 30 junior high school students (educational project on Wikipedia)
  • 30 elementary school students (educational project on Wikipedia)
  • 128 high school students (Wikicontest)
  • Rencontres Wikimedia, meeting with education professionals  : 100 attendees

Impact on Wikimedia projects

  • 1 improved article on Wikipedia Philippe Carrese
  • outreach, in long-term, of education profesionals in order to empower them.

Stand, exhibition, conference

  • attendance at the european professional exhibition of education 2012 : dissemination of >300 booklets for teachers/librarians and bookshelves.
  • attendance at National Congress of librarians : dissemination of 200 booklets for teachers/librarians
  • attendance at Libre Software Meeting (conference and workshop)
  • attendance at Forum des Usages Coopératifs (Brest, France) (conference)
  • hosting an intern (juinor school students) for one week in order to discover working world and our projects in education

Suport educational projects

  • Launching a Wikicontest with high school students, in partnerships with CRDP of Toulouse with 5 schools, 10 teachers and 128 high school students in order to improve quality of Wikipedia content (end of project scheduled in Avril 2013)
  • Damville project : 29 pupils improve, with the support of their teacher and Wikimedia France, the article of their town Damville (end of project scheduled in March 2013)
  • Launching an educational projects with junior high school students in Toulouse to improve articles linked to their town.

Positive aspect

  • real needs from teachers to better understand functioning of Wikipedia
  • all these workshops and trainings allow us to launching educational projects, in a second time
  • Meeting Education : we had many relays with large networks in education, a relevant programming.

Negative aspect

  • very little direct impact on Wikipedia content
  • lack of external communictaion of our activities (including for the Wikimedia movement)
  • Meeting Education : low mobilization of teachers (communication may be too late or not ideal dates), lack of valuation after the Meeting

Monitoring tools and assessment

  • implementation of survey to asses the content and framework of workshops and trainings and improve que quality of our activity (23 replies)
  • more than half of trained people said that they learned a lot because they were unfamiliar with Wikimedia projects, more than half would be interested to an another training more specfic.
  • implementation of surveys on the Wikipedia using by secondary schools students and teachers and to measure the impact of our trainings (>100 replies)
  • coordination area on Wikimedia projects for Wikicontest with secondary schools students and Damville project

Achievement of objectives fixed in 2011

trainings and workshops
  • planned : >300 people trained
  • actual : >740 people trained including 130 professionals
assessement of our trainings
  • planned : implementation assessement and monitoring tools
  • actual : development and test surveys in order to  : improve our activity, plan to send an other survey, few months after the trainings.
providing educational materials
  • planned : publishing of educational materials adapted to teachers
  • actual : publishing and updating the booklet for teachers and teaching sequences and exercices in order to discover Wikipedia


  • updating our educational materials adapted and increase the dissemination and their visibility (Website dedicated, etc.)
  • renewal and deployment of educational projects in order to improve Wikipedia content : Wikiconcours renewed, extended to other regions, supporting teachers motivated to launching an educational project on Wikipedia
  • continuing our trainings with students but in a rational way in order to propel educational projects having a direct impact on Wikipedia content.

Higher education and Research


We worked with




Trainings with :

  • 82 PhD students
  • 37 librarians
  • +- 50 librarian students
  • 4 researchers in charge of courses
  • 47 students via researchers in charge of courses

Impact on Wikimedia projects

  • >100 infobox created
  • 47 articles on wp:fr
  • 5 articles on wp:en
  • total changes (+/-) on wp:fr: 1051 ko
  • >40 diagrams/pictures on Commons

Stand, exhibition, conference

  • conference with club ARCES (communication managers in Universities)
  • Attendance at Assises de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche on science popularization
  • attendance at Symposium Science communication via Internet
  • Launching of Wikimédia France Research Award (report planned in Avril 2013)

Postive point

  • creation quality contents on Wikimedia projects by PhD students
  • improve knowledge of Wikimedia projects among academics.
  • academic recognition of participation on Wikimedia projects
  • good welcoming of Wikimédia France Research Award by the movement Wikimedia, 30 scientific papers proposed by the Wikimedia community

Negative point

  • monitoring and organisation of trainings are time-consuming
  • researchers in charge of courses do not enough attend of our trainings. We have to find an other way to encourage them.
  • not enough external communication of our activity
  • delay on the progress of Wikimédia France Research Award (end planned in Avril 2013)

Monitoring tools and assessment

  • setting up surveys for attendees in order to evaluate impact of our trainings. (66 replies)
  • setting up monitoring tools for our trainings with sharing's documents and on Wikiversity

Achievement of objectives fixed in 2011

  • planned : >500 people trained
  • actual : >2200 people trained
regular contributors
  • planned : 15% of regular contributors (at leat 1 article creation and adding contents)
  • actual : 194 attendees, trained to contribute. Based on survey replies : 60% wish participate. For PhD students : less than half think that it is important for their work, 84% wish continue to participate. It is planned to contact attendees few months after the trainings.
providing educational materials
  • planned : publishing adapted educationnal materials
  • actual : slideshow tested and adapted, sharing docs about Wikipédia syntax but not specific creation of a booklet dedicated to higher education.


  • focused on training with PhD students in order to have a real impact on Wikimedia projects contents
  • impose them a contributions quota (create at least 1 article)
  • in order to relieve the monitoring, we have to involve more Wikipedians and volunteers
  • reduce short trainings
  • we have to find an other way to encourage researchers in charge of courses to participate : conferences, symposium, etc.
  • identify researchers who contribute on Wikimedia project
  • renewal of Wikimédia France research Award (Spring 2014)




substantive work during 2012, highlighting at the end of 2012
  • development work of dppedia tools in order to adapt for the francophone specification (INRIA)
  • technical and graphic creation of the new Semanticpedia platform
  • outreach within the Ministry of Culture
Semanticpedia day (November, 19th 2012)
  • partnership signed by the Minister of Culture, presidents of INRIA and Wikimédia France
  • conferences about the semantic web and Semanticpedia
  • great success(>200 attendees). Call from Minister in order to encourage GLAM institutions to participate on Wikimedia projects.
Creation of mailing list dedicated to "semantic"
  • 25 registered
  • 111 mails in 2012

Positive points

  • great technical progress
  • good press coverage
  • ongoing increase of reuse

Negative points

  • complex subject for public
  • not yet reuses for Wikimedia projects



GLAM institutions in partnership with Wikimédia France in 2012


Partnership did not necessarily mind that we have signed a formal document for partnership with the institutions

"Active" partnerships in 2012 : 9 on 12

Musée de Cluny (Paris)
  • Partnership signed on march 2012 with explanation for the museum staff
  • First workshops (2) in june 2012
    • 9 wikimedians to manage (7 volunteers, 2 staff)
    • 26 attendees from the museum. 24 contributors, and 20% are autonomous now (they contribute on Wikipedia alone)
    • 299 contributions, 13 new articles, 65,600 octets of text
  • 2d workshops are in preparation
Musée des Augustins (Toulouse)
  • Partnership in progress (approved by the City of Toulouse in december 2012)
  • Training on Wikimedia Commons in september 2012
  • Scholar year 2011-2012 : project with Limayrac Institute (Highschool for tourism manager)
  • Scholar year 2012-2013 : project with students from Lycée Saint-Sernin (preparatory classes for the grandes écoles)
Musée Saint Raymond (Toulouse)
  • Partnership in progress
  • Facilitation for photography
Departemental museums of Haute-Saône
  • Partnership signed in December 2012
  • Technical works to prepare mass-upload
Mundaneum (Belgique)
  • Works with the curator of the exhibition about the Origins of Internet (for the Wikipedia part) in august-september 2012
  • Training staff to contribute to Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons with a belgian contributor and WMFr staff (since august 2012)
  • Around 20 new articles in several languages
  • 6 staff people in the museum are autonomous contributors ; around 125 contributions
  • Works to accompany and help for liberation of content (in progress)
  • Conference about Wikipedia planned for Spring 2013
Sèvres - Cité de la Céramique
  • Partnership signed in november 2012
  • Start of the partnership planned for early march 2013
  • Prize Ceremony for Wiki Loves Monuments in november 2012
Several discussions with GLAM institutions without immediate realization
  • Notre-Dame de Paris (finally started on february 2013), Museums of Lyon, PhotoNormandie
  • Several contacts are planned to be initiate on 2013

GLAM Workshops

WikiClub École du Louvre
  • Start on autumn 2012, with the Students association
  • 1st meeting to introduce the project in november 2012
  • 1st workshop in december 2012
  • 5 contributors, 16 contributions, 1335 octets of text
Workshop Wikipédia Culture & Cultural Heritage (NCO)
  • 12 contributors
  • 36 contributions, 4837 octets of text

Impact on the Wikimedia projects

Workshops (with and without GLAM institutions
  • Number of contributors trained : 81
  • Number of editions : 762
  • Editions on articles : 500
  • New articles : 26
  • Text added : 251 991 octets
  • Contributions on other projects : 29 (Commons)

Average contributions by each people trained : 3,42

Upload of content
  • Museum de Toulouse :
    • 1658 files
    • 62 000 used on Wikimedia projects
    • on 262 projects
    • 2 500 000 pages views with a file from Museum of Toulouse in december (average by month : 2-3 millions)

Other GLAM

  • Conference in National Institute for Art History (INHA) : 80 professionnal people from GLAM institutions. Talk about GLAM projects and Wikimedia movement.
  • Co-organization of the Museology Seminar with the Research and Innovation Institute (Centre Pompidou) : one speaker each month from Wikimedia movement. A very important experience to credibilize Wikimedia projects for GLAM world.
  • Support for the working-group for classic paleography in the Departemental Archives of Alpes-Maritimes on Wikisource : 150 pages
  • Workshop with a professionnal association of curators from Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
  • GLAM conference in Belgrad in february 2012
  • Conference in Toulouse about Cultural Heritage

Documentation, tools etc

GLAM Toolbox

Project was not realized on 2012. It could change to becom a general resources website for all institutions (GLAM and not) who want to upload content, measure impact, and centralize documentation (in french) about upload and workshops.

Europeana GLAMwiki toolset
  • Project started at the end of summer 2012
  • The project has been slightly delayed
  • Coordination page : [1]

Sensibilization / Public Domain


Various actions and projects with the objective to share and better explain our values and objectives, and to support and protect Public Domain and free licenses into the cultural world

  • Organization of the 1st Public Domain Day in France with Creative Commons and OKFN (january 2012). Relative good success (around 60 people present), to be continued. Event was a small conference, showing of films in Public Domain and party.
  • "OpenGLAM" working-group : reflexion and proposals about cultural data and content (march to september 2012)
    • around 35 people from GLAM institutions, researchers, lawyers, free-related associations)
    • 2 workshops and coordination to write a general report about GLAM content and data
    • Report published on september 2012 (
    • Report sent to politic and institutional contacts, ministries, Parliament etc. It was read and shared.
  • Hearing with the Lescure Commission (about sharing of cultural content on the internet)
  • Participation to the regular meetings about photography in museum organized by the Ministry of Culture
  • Meeting with the Professional Photographers Union
  • Meeting with David Kessler, digital & media advisor of the President of the Republic
  • Round table about public and cultural datas during the Presidential campaign, with speaker from all candidates

Positive points

  • During 2012, the association takes credibility in its relationships with cultural institutions. We do no long ask institutions to convaince them to work with us, they come themselves to work (and Wikimédia France cannot follow all demands). We have often a advisory point of view about their digital strategy. They better understanding licenses and the functionning of Wikimedia projects.
  • Workshops feels like and we have now some experience to organize. Using Wikiscan ( will be very useful to follow and help, for a long time, trained new contributors
  • For sensibilization, we experimented to work with other groups and people (OpenGLAM working group). We can now talk with politicians and administrative people. Our interlocutors understand now the thematic of "public domain" and "freedom of panorama". We are credible on these subjects.
  • A project can be managed by a volunteer, with the paid staff in support : Mundaneum, Musée Saint-Raymond...

Negative points

  • Mass-upload didn't work on 2012 : not enough availability or competences to prepare and make uploads on Wikimedia Commons. We take more and more delay for content from GLAM institutions.
  • The institutions are not enough autonomous (except the Mundaneum and Musée des Augustins). We need more documentation to help them.
  • Difficult to keep contact and follow people after the workshops. We need to prepare better the workshops.

Prospect and objectives

  • Increase number of institutions involved in contribution and upload of content, on Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and other projects. Train into the institutions and in cultural world (students in History of Art, Ecole du Louvre, learned socities etc.)
  • Make with success mass-upload projects and document process
  • Train people from GLAM institutions to prepare upload of content
  • Organize documentation needed by institutions and systems to measure impact for contributing and uploading
Volunteers involvment
  • GLAM working group
  • Training and sensibilization for institutions
  • Help to prepare uploads
  • Work on documentation
Staff involvment
  • Director of programs : coordination of projects, sustain volunteers, negociation with institutions, watch and proposals.
  • Engeenering manager : train institutions to prepare uploads, develop technical tools in coordination with volunteers
  • Recruitment of a GLAM project manager in Autumn 2013 to monitore and coordinate GLAM projects with volunteers and staff



See :

Partnership signed on June, 15 2012 between AUF, IF and Wikimédia France At the end of 2012, meeting with partners to reconduct the partnership for 2013


  • end of 2012 : purchasing of test plugs and configuration
  • September - Octobre 2012 :
    • organization of trainings at Abidjan,
    • purchase, upload and plugs configuration, routers and USB keys.
  • November, 9-5 2012 : trainings week at Abidjan (15 attendees)
    • workshops for using and installing plugs and Kiwiw server
    • workshops for Wikipedia participation
  • November-December 2012 : monitoring deployments in Universities and contributors. Conferences and trainings.



partial results : several countries have communication problems. A lot of political instability (change of governments, strikes, etc.) in several countries during the fourth quarter of 2012



See (in french) Formation Abidjan et Contenus

  • 55 real contributors
    • 595 contributions on 394 articles
    • 85 articles created
    • 233 752 octets added
    • 29 files upload on Wikimedia Commons
Workshops and trainings
  • weekly workshops at Bamako (Mali)
  • workshop at Niamey (Niger)
  • conference + workshop at Ndjamena

Plugs and Kiwix servor deployment

  • tutorials created by Kelson and Renaud Gaudin : documentation technique
  • monitoring of the deployment: déploiement
    • Burkina Faso : 2 plugs installed in the 2 universities of Ouagadougou
    • Mali : installation on the servor of the university and of the école normale supérieur from Bamako, installation in progress at the university of Ségou
    • Niger : installation on the servor of CNF and university at Niamey
    • Mauritania : installation at centre de ressources informatives of Nouakchott, installation on the servor of CNF, Nouakchott

Positive points

  • consistent and exciting project
  • strong partnership
  • good involvement of CNF staff
  • new contributors trained by trained people in Abidjan
  • sevral demands to expansion of the project and materials by CNF staff
  • good press coverage

Negative points

  • difficult to monitoring CNF personal : time-consuming, availability.
  • challenging start with IF and AUF
  • limited opportunities from volunteers involvement (welcoming new contributors)
  • difficulties to deploy this project without a dedicated employee

Prospect 2013 - 2014

  • 2e et 3e deployment
  • sustaining of the project and monitoring deployment process
  • hiring of francophonie and languages project manager
  • in the long-term : working on the emergence of Wikimedia communities in french-speaking Africa




World Forum of french language (Forum mondial de la langue française), july 2012 (Québec)
  • Conference and stand organized with Wikimedia Canada
  • Great success for wikimedians in stand and conference
  • Great contacts with quebecians wikimedians and good feeling to work together
  • Permanent workshop behind the stand to discover Wikimedia projects : 27 people trained. One of them becames very active.
Francophone group
  • Contacts with Québec, Switzerland, Belgium, Morocco and Tunisia
  • Creation of a discussion-list for french-speaking wikimedians
  • Francophone meeting at Wikimania 2012. 25 people, discussion about objectives for a Francophone group
  • Not enough activities, need more time to share actions of the different groups ?
  • Future staff dedicated planned

Positive points

  • Starting a french-speakers coordination
  • Common action with Wikimedia FR / CA
  • High of visibility in the Francophone institutions

Negative points

  • Fail of dynamism after Wikimania
  • Staff dedicated delayed : we need to work despite that.


  • Coordination of the RAW by the francophone group
  • Organize a french-speaking meeting in 2013

Wikimedia projects in languages of France


Achievements 2012

Publishing of the EGMOM proceedings

Following the participation of Wikimédia France to the General Estate of Multilinguism in the Overseas in december 2011 (Cayenne, french Guyana), the General Delegation for the French language and the languages of France decided to publish all the proceedings under CC-BY-SA license on Wikibooks. Wikimédia France helped to publish the proceedings with workshops. We organized 2 workshops for people from Ministry of Culture and DGLFLF in charge of the publishing.

  • 10 contributors, some of them became regular contributors
  • Book published on Wikibooks
  • 8 photos published on Wikimedia Commons ([2])
  • 18 audio files about overseas languages published on Wikimedia Commons ([3])
  • 9 videos of the Conference : around 12 hours ([4])
  • > 500 editions on Wikibooks
  • ~ 50 editions on Wikipedia
After the EGMOM

Adrienne was present to the 2 meetings after EGMOM (may and december 2012). Several contacts and a better understanding of our actions and projects by cultural and language people. Several projects in discussion.

Proposal of a Wikicamp "Languages of France"

During the 2d meeting after EGMOM (december 2012), we propose to organize weeks to train people from overseas to contribute to Wikipedia in french and start Wikipedia in their language. The proposal was very well welcomed, and we discuss to organize something in Indian Ocean area in 2013.

Languages events
  • MAYAA conference about multilinguism in the internet (november 2012)
  • Event about languages and technology in Paris (november - december 2012)
Creation of a discussion-list about languages
  • 13 suscribers
  • around 70 discussions
  • for information / coordination
Talk at Wikimania about « small languages » (par Adrienne)

Positive points

  • Common work with DGLFLF very productive and easy. The DGLFLF is very active to publish under free licenses on the internet and to make projects with languages and technology
  • The projects can be found by DGLFLF and the Ministry of Overseas
  • Good work by DGLFLF people

Negative points

  • Not many contacts with wikimedians in overseas
  • Not many projects (except EGMOM) in 2012
  • Some problems of copyright for videos




Acessibility audi
  • Funding was not obtained (june 2012). We lost apparently because of a no-consensus into the Funds comittee (because of the project based on Wikipedia). They gives funds for an other project non-related to Wikipédia
  • The project was not realized but can be if we find a specific found system.
Senior sensibilization
  • We didn't have time to develop trainings for senior people.
  • Contact with Foyers ruraux, an association based in rural areas
  • Project to be realized in 2013


Workshops for training new contributors
  • Strasbourg : support to Strasweb association, to organize workshops. 1st workshop in november 2012, 2d in january 2013, and every month. We provide support by pedagogical material and advisory.
  • Library of Toulouse : regular workshops
  • Workshop in Bruxelles (Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci)
  • "Wiki-permanences" (regular workshops for general public) in Rennes, Paris, Rouen
Conference and stands
  • Several conferences about Wikipedia functionning or about digital with a focus on Wikimedia projects
  • Conference and stands in the free-culture and software events (Capitole du Libre, Pas sage en Seine, Brest, Nanterre, Ubuntu Party etc.)
  • Nombreuses conférences (notamment de Rémi Mathis et Adrienne) sur le fonctionnement de Wikipédia ou sur le numérique en général avec focus sur les projets wikimédia
  • Library of Toulouse
  • Project Framakey-Wikipedia (Framakey-Wikipédia) started on october 2012 with to associations : Framasoft and Kiwix. 50 USB keys were sold in 10 days, with a selection of free softwares and an offline version of french Wikipedia. 100 orders for the 2d round, > 2700 downloads on website. We appreciate to work with other associations and sensibilize other people.
  • Festival Declics (Nanterre)

Positive points

  • Good involvment of volunteers for outreach projects
  • Involvment of non-members wikimedians
  • Projects focused for a large public
  • Very good success for the Framakey

Negative points

  • Some projects were not realized
  • We dont have strategy about outreach (which public ?)
  • Very difficult to measure long term efficiency of these kind of projects