Wikigraphists Bootcamp (2018 India)/Participation/Shypoetess


Hindi Wikipedia


  • This Bootcamp helped me understand not only the basics of design and graphics but also the various ways of adapting existing images for our requirements. I particularly enjoyed the parts where we learnt how to translate an image and create multilingual images. This way we can turn an image into a truly global one and increase its reach. I plan to create images of biological processes as not many good quality svgs are available in this area. I also wish to conduct a regional workshop for my students so that they too can create vector images.



I've created/ translated more than 40 images. Some of these are:


  • What worked well?
  1. A Clear Plan: The facilitators knew their job very well. The lessons started from the understanding of the basics of designing and lead up to the creation of complex graphics. The sessions (both online and offline) were intelligently structured and comfortably spaced so that we had enough time to learn and apply the knowledge to our creation. Everything was well balanced.
  2. Online Sessions: I had no idea of graphics before this Bootcamp and yet I had created 20 images before the main event. The online sessions spanned two months giving enough time to learn and practice. They covered almost all of the content. So, when we came to the main event we were ready with the questions.
  3. Assignments: We were given two assignments: One helped us understanding the different elements of designing in a better way. While doing the other we learnt about the problems arising during the translation of svg files and how to tackle them. It also led to the creation of Indic versions of various svgs.
  4. Group Activity: Although the main aim was to train us in using Inkscape yet there was a hands on group activity in the main event. We were provided different data-sets and had to create graphics from them. It was really amazing to see how the same information could be expressed in so many ways, each highlighting a different aspect. Working as a team was fun and we came up with really great ideas.
  5. Interactive Group: Lastly, all the participants were very interactive and supportive. We worked in groups and helped out each other with our images.
  • What didn't work well?
    • Lunch on day 01: There was a lot of single use plastic (which is unavoidable in case of delivered food in Delhi) but the issue was resolved the very next day as we ate at a nearby restaurant.
  • What do you think could have been done better?
    • I think the workshop was well organised.

Anything else


Photos from the event