Wikicurricula is a visualization tool that represents the topics of the school curriculum and displays metrics of Wikipedia articles related to them. The curriculum's structure and topics are stored in Wikidata following the data model proposed by the curriculum digitization initiative Wikidata for Education. Wikicurricula has the potential to become a valuable tool for Wikipedians and community organizers, enabling them to identify the most impactful articles and topics for editing.

Screenshot of Wikicuricula's interface
Screenshot of the interface
Code repository
Original ProjectWikipedia e Scuola Italiana
Wikidata itemQ124149606


We are in the process of designing and building interfaces that will enable Wikimedians, librarians, and educators from around the world to leverage the power of structured curriculum. We are focused on enhancing the project’s usability and scalability. Please give us your feedback and ask any questions at the Talk page.

Available visualizations:

  • National Curriculum of Uruguay, analysis of the Wikipedia in Spanish
  • National Curriculum of Ghana, analysis of the Wikipedia in English
  • National Curriculum of Ghana, analysis of the Wikipedia in Twi

See also
