Wikicat Technical Design/Manifestation Entities

Wikicat datamodel for Manifestation-related entities.



A Manifestation is the primary entity of the catalog and represents the particular physical characteristics for embodying a fixed artistic or intellectual creation. The MANIFESTATION table itself is very sparse as most attributes either pertain to sub-entities such as INFIXION, or are contained in common/shared tables such as TITLE. Relationships to external, non-bibliograhpic entities mentioned in Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), such as the Person or Corporate Body that facilitated the Manifestation, are not represented in the model yet as the optimal manner for modeling these plus even more amorphous entities is yet to be determined. Where possible, such relations are captured through purely-bibliographic data such as edition statements of responsibility. See the discussion of bibliographic vs. "real-world" for a further discussion of this design strategy.

Manifestation header structure.
    > DESC manifestation;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    mnfst_id      INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    class_material VARCHAR(3)   Class of material code; foreign
                                key to CLASS_MATERIAL_TYPE;
                                among other things determines which class-specific
                                attributes should be active at the INFIXION
                                and PHYSICAL_CARRIER levels
    aquisition_src VARCHAR(100) Acquisition source of of the
                                manifestation, such as the
              publisher, distributor, etc.
    availability  VARCHAR(100)  Terms of availability
    access_restrict VARCHAR(100) Notes on access restrictions

Table of identifiers assigned to this manifestation under various identity schemes (ISBN, LCCN, etc.):

    > DESC manifestation_identifier;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    identifier_id INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    mnfst_id      INT(15)       The manifestation; foreign
                  NOT NULL      key to MANIFESTATION
    scheme_code   VARCHAR(3)    The scheme of the identifier;
                  NOT NULL      foreign key to CATALOG_ID_SCHEME
    id            VARCHAR(50)   Actual identifier- e.g. ISBN number,
                  NOT NULL      etc.
    cancelled     BOOLEAN       Indicates if the identifier was cancelled after initial issue;
    replacement_id INT(15)      Replacement for the identifier if cancelled;
                                recursive foreign key to this table.

Edition statements:

    > DESC edition_statement;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    edition_stmt_id INT(15)     Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    mnfst_id      INT(15)       Foreign key to MANIFESTATION
                  NOT NULL
    stmt_lang     INT(8)        Language of the title;
                  NOT NULL      foreign key to the Ultimate Wiktionary
                                table Language
    stmt_script   INT(8)        Script of title; foreign key
                  NOT NULL      to Ultimate Wiktionary table
    statement_txt VARCHAR(200)  Edition statement
    parallel_flag BOOLEAN       True if a parrallel statement- i.e.
                  NOT NULL      an equivalent one for a translated language
    order         INT(3)        Ordering of the statement
                  NOT NULL

Statements of responsibility for the edition; should be linked to an edition statement, but if not possible then to the Manifestation itself.

    > DESC edition_stmt_responsibility;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    mnfst_id      INT(15)       The manifestation; foreign
                  NOT NULL      key to MANIFESTATION
    edition_stmt_id INT(15)     Edition statement; foreign key
                                to EDITION_STATEMENT
    order         INT(3)        Ordering of statement relative to others;
                  NOT NULL      1 - first, etc.
    stmt_lang     INT(8)        Language of the title;
                  NOT NULL      foreign key to the Ultimate Wiktionary
                                table Language
    stmt_script   INT(8)        Script of title; foreign key
                  NOT NULL      to Ultimate Wiktionary table
    stmt_text     VARCHAR(200)  Statement text
                  NOT NULL
    resp_code     VARCHAR(3)    The type of responsibility
                                asserted in the statement.
                                "Foreign key" to RESPONSIBILITY_TYPE
    nominality    VARCHAR(3)    Nominality of the responsibility
                                asserted, foreign keyt to INFO_NOMINALITY_TYPE


Manifestation physical structure.



Infixion is defined as "the formatting of intellectual or artistic content" (TAB 11, p. 1). Every manifestation is composed of one or more Infixions.

    > DESC infixion;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    infixion_id   INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    mnfst_id      INT(15)       Foreign key to MANIFESTATION
                  NOT NULL
    text_id       INT(15)       Textual-specific attributes;
                                foreign key to INFIXION_TEXT_ATT
    graphic_id    INT(15)       Graphic-specific attributes;
                                foreign key to INFIXION_GRAPHIC_ATT
    sound_rec_id  INT(15)       Sound recording-specific attributes;
                                foreign key to INFIXION_SOUND_REC_ATT
    cartgrph_id   INT(15)       Cartographic-specific attributes;
                                foreign key to INFIXION_CARTGRPH_ATT
    cingrph_id    INT(15)       Cinemagraphic-specific attributes;
                                foreign key to INFIXION_CINGRPH_ATT
    microform_id  INT(15)       Microform-specific attributes;
                                foreign key to INFIXION_MICROFORM_ATT
    eresource_id  INT(15)       Electronic resource-specific attributes;
                                foreign key to INFIXION_ERESOURCE_ATT

Infixion text-specific attributes:

    > DESC infixion_text_att;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    infixion_txt_id INT(15)     Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    form_code     VARCHAR(3)    Text form; foreign key to
                  NOT NULL      TEXT_FORM_TYPE
    typeface_code VARCHAR(3)    Typeface; foreign key to TYPEFACE
    type_size     VARCHAR(10)   Size of the type; typically a number
    type_size_unit VARCHAR(3)   Unit for the type; size; foreign key to
    foliation     VARHCAR(3)    Foliation for hand-printed books;
                                foreign key to TEXT_FOLIATION_TYPE
    collation     VARCHAR(3)    Collation for hand-printed book;
                                foreign key to TEXT_COLLATION_TYPE

Infixion graphic-specific attributes:

    > DESC infixion_graphic_att;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    infix_grph_id INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    color_scheme  VARCHAR(3)    Color-reproduction scheme;
                                foreign key to COLOR_SCHEME_TYPE

Infixion sound recording-specific attributes:

    > DESC infixion_sound_rec_att;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    infix_sound_rec_id  INT(15) Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    recording_tech VARCHAR(3)   Recording technique; foreign key
                                to SOUND_REC_TECH_TYPE
    play_speed    VARCHAR(3)    Playing speed; foreign key to
    groove_width  VARCHAR(3)    Groove width type; foreign key to
                                to SOUND_GROOVE_WIDTH_TYPE
    groove_cutting VARCHAR(3)   Groove cutting type; foreign key
                                to SOUND_GROOVE_CUT_TYPE
    track_count   VARHCAR(3)    Track count on tapes; foreign key
                                to SOUND_TRACK_COUNT_TYPE
    track_config  VARHCAR(3)    Indicates placement of track on
                                a sound track film; foreign key
                                to ...
    sound_channels VARCHAR(3)   Configuration of sound channels;
                                foreign key to SOUND_CHANNEL_TYPE
    spec_play_char VARCHAR(3)   Special playback characteristics;
                                foreign key to SOUND_SPEC_PLAY_TYPE
    form_release  VARCHAR(3)    Form of release; foreign key
                                to SOUND_REC_FORM_TYPE
    generation    VARCHAR(3)    Generation of the recording;
                                foreign key to SOUND_REC_GENERATION_TYPE

Infixion cartographic-specific attributes:

    > DESC infixion_cartgrph_att;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    infixion_map_id INT(15)     Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    infixion_id   INT(15)       Foreign key to INFIXION
                  NOT NULL
    cartgrph_form VARCHAR(3)    Cartographic form (which may
                                change somewhat from the base
                                Expression?); foreign key to

Infixion cinemagraphic-specific attributes:

    > DESC infixion_cingrph_att;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    infix_cingrph_id INT(15)    Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    sound_separate BOOLEAN      Whether sound is on the cinemagraphic
                                media or a separate medium; NULL if
                                no sound
    sound_media   VARCHAR(3)    Medium used to carry the sound;
                                foreign key to MOVIE_SOUND_MEDIA_TYPE
    present_format VARCHAR(3)   Movie presentation format; foreign
                                key to MOVIE_PRESENT_TYPE
    film_speed    INT(3)        Film speed in frames/second
    film_generation VARCHAR(3)  Film generation; foreign key to
    form_print    VARCHAR(3)    Form of print; foreign key to...
    video_format  VARCHAR(3)    Video recording format; foreign key
                                to VIDEO_FORMAT_TYPE
    broadcast_std VARCHAR(3)    Video broadcast standard; foreign
                                key to VIDEO_BROADCAST_TYPE

Infixion micro-form attributes:

    > DESC infixion_microform_att;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    infix_mform_id INT(15)      Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    polarity      VARCHAR(3)    Microform polarity; foreign
                                key to POLARITY_TYPE
    reduction_ratio INT(5)      Reduction ration, expressed as
                                the amount by which the item
                                is reduced

Infixion electronic resource-specific attributes:

    > DESC infixion_eresource_att;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    infix_elec_id INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    file_rec_density VARCHAR(3) Recording density; foreign
                                key to...
    sectoring_code VARCHAR(3)   Sectoring designation; foreign key to...
    sound_flag    BOOLEAN       Whether the production of sound
                                is an integral part of the
                                electronic resource.

Physical Characteristics


Physical Carrier is the "physical medium in which data, sound, images, etc. are stored" (TAB 12, p. 1). A physical carrier can contain within it one or more Infixions, and be housed in up to 1 Container.


    > DESC physical_carrier;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    carrier_id    INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    container_id  INT(15)       Container housing the carrier;
                                foreign key to CONTAINER
    text_attribs  INT(15)       Text-specific attributes; foreign key
                                to PHYS_CARRIER_TEXT
    sound_attribs INT(15)       Sound recording-specific attributes;
                                foreign key to PHYS_CARRIER_SOUND_REC
    proj_img_attribs INT(15)    Projected image-specific attributes;
                                foreign key to PHYS_CARRIER_PROJ_IMG
    microform_attribs INT(15)   Microform-specific attributes;
                                foreign key to PHYS_CARRIER_MICROFORM
    form_code     VARCHAR(3)    Form of the physical carrier
    number_units  INT(5)        Number of discrete physical units
    unit_type     VARCHAR(3)    Type of discrete physical units
    number_component INT(5)     Number of components
    component_type VARCHAR(3)   Type of component
    material_type VARCHAR(3)    Material type

Textual material-specific physical carrier attributes:

    > DESC phys_carrier_text;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    text_carrier_id INT(15)     Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    backing_mat   VARCHAR(3)    Backing material; foreign key to

Sound recording physical carrier attributes:

    > DESC phys_carrier_sound_rec;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    sound_carrier_id INT(15)    Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    carrier_class VARCHAR(3)    Class of carrier; foreign key
                                to SOUND_REC_FORM_CLASS_TYPE
    material_type VARCHAR(3)    Material type; foreign key to

Projected image/cinemgraphic physical carrier attributes:

    > DESC phys_carrier_proj_img;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    proj_img_id   INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    carrier_type  VARCHAR(3)    Carrier type; foreign key
                                to PROJ_IMG_CARRIER_TYPE
    base_emulsion VARCHAR(3)    Base emulsion type; foreign key to
    film_base     VARCHAR(3)    Film base type; foreign key to
    color_stock   VARCHAR(3)    Color film stock type; foreign key
                                to COLOR_FILM_STOCK_TYPE
    img_mounting  VARCHAR(3)    Image mounting; foreign key to
    dimensions    VARCHAR(3)    Image dimensions; foreign key to

Microform-specific attributes:

    > DESC phys_carrier_microform;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    microform_id  INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    carrier_id    INT(15)       Foreign key to PHYSICAL_CARRIER
                  NOT NULL
    emulsion_type VARCHAR(3)    Emulsion type; foreign key to
    film_base     VARCHAR(3)    Film base type; foreign key to

The intersection table between Infixions and Physical Carriers:

    > DESC infixion_physcarrier;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    infixion_id   INT(15)       Foreign key to INFIXION;
                  NOT NULL      co-primary key
    carrier_id    INT(15)       Foreign key to PHYSICAL_CARRIER;
                                co-primary key
    infix_start   VARCHAR(50)   Index into the physical
                                carrier for the start of the infixion
    infix_end     VARCHAR(50)   Index into the physical carrier for
                                the end of the infixion
    infix_unit     VARCHAR(3)   Unit type of the above infixion
                                start/end points



A Container is housing for a Manifestation, a part of Manifestation, or a group of Manifestations that is physically separable from the material being housed.

    > DESC container;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    container_id  INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    container_class VARCHAR(3)  Class of the container; foreign
                                key to CONTAINER_CLASS_TYPE
    container_type VARCHAR(3)   Type of container; foreign key to
    measurements  DIMENSIONS    Measurements of the container in each
                                of the three dimensions
    enclosure_id  INT(15)       Enclosing container for this container
                                in the case of nested packaging; recursive
                                foreign key

Fabrication and Publication

Manufacture and release-related entities.



Defined in AACR2's The Logical Structure... as "the act of making copies of a document available to the public" (TAB 21, p. 1), the Release entity embodies one such distinct act. Release is effectively the same as publication in the model, and is by definition applicable to only a single Manifestation.

    > DESC release;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    release_id    INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    mnfst_id      INT(15)       The manifestation being released;
                  NOT NULL      foreign key to MANIFESTATION
    publisher_name VARCHAR(200) Name of the publisher as it appears on the Manifestation
    publisher_nom VARCHAR(3)    Nominality of publisher name info;
                                foreign key to INFO_NOMINALITY_TYPE
    period_release DATERANGE    Period/date of release
                  NOT NULL
    primary_country INT(5)      Primary country of release;
                                foreign key to COUNTRY

A Release can occur in multiple locations. Table PLACE_RELEASE contains an entry for each distinct locality taking part in a single Release. Note that there is an element of judgement in determining whether releases in different locations are part of a single release or separte releases. For example, was the release of Titanic in Japan a separate release from that in the United States, or a sub-release for a particular locality? In general, if releases in particular locations are planned in conjunction then they are part of a single Release.

    > DESC place_release;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    place_rel_id  INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    release_id    INT(15)       The parent release; foreign key to RELEASE
                  NOT NULL
    place_name    VARCHAR(100)  Name of the place of publication
                                as it appears on the manifestation
    place_nom     VARCHAR(3)    Nominality of the place of publication;
                                foreign key to INFO_NOMINALITY_TYPE
    period_release DATERANGE    Period/date of release within this locality
    locality_id   INT(10)       Place of publication; foreign key
                                to LOCALITY



Manufacture embodies "the act of making copies of a document by means of a mechanical or electronic process" (TAB 20, p. 1). By definition here, an instance of Manufacture is applicable to only a single Manifestation.

    > DESC manufacture;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    manufacture_id INT(15)      Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    mnfst_id      INT(15)       The manifestation being released;
                  NOT NULL      foreign key to MANIFESTATION
    manufacturer_name VARCHAR(100) Name of the manufacturer
    period_manufacture DATERANGE Period/date of manufacture
    locality_id   INT(10)       Place of manufacture; foreign key
                                to LOCALITY
    item_count    INT(10)       Number of items produced by the
                                manufacturing run
    replication_meth VARCHAR(3) Method of replication; foreign
                                key to REPLICATION_METHOD_TYPE

An impression "encompasses all copies of an edition [manifestation] of a document manufactured at one time" (AARC2, p. 12).

    > DESC impression;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    impression_id INT(15)       Primary key
                  NOT NULL
    manufacture_id INT(15)      Master manufacture run; foreign 
                  NOT NULL      key to MANUFACTURE
    period_impression DATERANGE Period of the impression
    designation   VARCHAR(100)  Designator for the impression

Intersection table between MANUFACTURE and RELEASE. Associates an act of manufacture with an act of release. Note that multiple instances of manufacture can be organized for one release; additionally, a single manufacturing run may be apportioned among multiple releases. It is not thought necessary or particularly useful to specify the exact Impression used for a Release.

    > DESC manufacture_release;
    COLUMN        TYPE          DESC
    manufacture_id INT(15)      Foreign key to to MANUFACTURE;
                  NOT NULL      co-primary key
    release_id    INT(15)       Foreign key to to RELEASE;
                  NOT NULL      co-primary key
    item_count    INT(10)       Number of items from the
                                manufacturing run used by the
                                release; must be no more than
                                the item count of the manufacturing
                                run itself