Wiki World Heritage User Group/Whindanger/Monthly reports/September 2021

Monthly targets

  • Completing the Training of Trainers.
  • Organizing editathons on the World Peace Day (21.09) in Libya and Yemen.
  • Launching the advertizing campaign for the photography contests.
  • Receiving 30% of the expected entries in the photography contests.

Key activities




Due to the continuous electricity problems in Yemen, the editathon was postponed until the completion of the ToT.
As to Libya, the editathon was organized online on 21.09.2021 (World Peace Day). Preparation included the following:

Activity Details Team
Preparation of articles repositories Preparation of the list of articles to be enhanced during the editathon (in Arabic and English) and preparation of a repository of references in order to optimize time and effort during the editathon. (Link to the repository) NANöR & Nassima Chahboun
Selection of participants Launching the call for participation, selection of 18 participants and communication about time and languages preferences. Scene team
Preparation of the editathon material Presentation and program on the Outreach Dashboard Nassima Chahboun
Preparation of a handout and how-to video for the participants Preparation of a concise PDF file explaining the main editing tools, and a how-to-video explaining how to enroll to the Outreach Dashboard NANöR & Nassima Chahboun
Editathon Date and time:
21.09, between 4pm and 8:30pm (Tripoli time), on Zoom.
- Presentation of the project and the stakeholders (By Scene and WWH)
- Dividing participants into 2 breakout rooms (Arabic and English)
- Overview on Wikipedia, Main editing tools (By the trained trainers)
- Discussion about encyclopedic content principles (led by the trainers, with support from WWH members)
- Choice of the articles (1 article per participant)
- Adding one paragraph per article with references and photos, with assistance from WWH members
- Final discussion and comments
(Results on the Outreach Dashboard)
Trainers: Abdurahman92, Ashraf Bin Alhaj, Jehad1992, Maram Badi and Masara Mohamed98

with support from:
WWH members: NANöR, Nada kareem22, Nassima Chahboun, Nehaoua and Sarah Ab
Scene organization team: Mohammed Elfituri and ReemHg

Photography contest advertizing


Advertizing strategy


The 4 national editions of the photography contest are organized in countries where World Heritage Sites are in Danger because of armed conflicts, are not considered as popular touristic destinations, especially at the international level. Therefore, it was important to establish and efficient advertizing strategy that will allow to reach out mainly to the local communities, and engage a one-to-one interaction with potential participants in order to provide them with the necessary assistance.
Therefore the advertizing strategy was based on cultural sensitivity, direct contat and high responsiveness.

Used platforms

  • Instagram account: The main advertizing platform
  • Facebook page: For the advertizing of the project and interaction with the pages of our local partners


  • Paid promotion for each site on Instagram, with the local community as a target audience.
  • Searching for photographers who have photos of the target sites and sending them direct messages.
  • Use of local languages: Arabic, Dari and Pashto (with support from ARCH International regarding Dari and Pashto).
  • Daily presence on Instagram and continuous communication with potential participants through comments and messages.
  • Using how-to videos to explain the participation process in details.





Project progress
