Wiki Re-Imagine Lagos Project/Program

Wiki Re-Imagine Lagos

Program work plan

Work Plan
Milestone Task Duration
Project Launch
  • Decision and production of material and template for publicity and awareness programme
  • Publicity  and awareness programme
  • Joint creation and launch of press releases by the two partners   
  • Press gathering and interview  by for the two parties

Deployment of WIR

Kick-off Meeting with all the stakeholders to discuss the objectives and needs of the project

Needs Assessment

  • Joint evaluation of the WIR's role with the project mission and objective   
  • Identify key staff members, departments, and volunteers who will interact with or benefit from WIR.    
  • Consider the broader community, including Wikipedia editors, Nigeria journalists, researchers, and the general public, who may engage with the enhanced content.    
  • Assess the current state of Wikipedia entries related to Tourism, Art, Culture, People and the state as an entity.   
  • Evaluate the existing resources such as staff expertise, digital assets ( photos, documents, etc) and technological infrastructure.   
  • Identify what is lacking in terms of content, resources, or capabilities that the WiR can help address   
  • Evaluate and determine the training requirements for staff and volunteers to support Wikipedia editing and content creation.   
  • Plan for ongoing support and capacity building to ensure sustainability beyond the tenure of the WiR   
  • Assess the WiR's physical and digital workspace needs, including office space, access to archives, and technological tools.  
  • Evaluate and determine WiR access to organizational records, databases, and other information resources.
  • Develop strategies for internal communication to keep staff informed and engaged with the WiR's activities.   
  • Plan for outreach activities to promote the organization's enhanced Wikipedia presence to the public and relevant communities   
  • Define clear metrics for evaluating the WiR program's success, such as the number of improved articles, increased page views, and enhanced public engagement.