Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Maintenance

This page includes information that is needed to maintain the Wiki Loves Living Heritage site in Wikimedia Meta.


The main navigation takes care of submenus, site styles and categorization although there are still some glitches.

Template structure

{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Main navigation|<Main menu item for submenus>|<image>|<banner>}}
  • To have the correct submenus, add the main menu element in the first slot. Use the page name of the main menu element.
  • To change the main image of a page, add it to the second slot in the form File:Filename.
  • If you wish to have a banner instead of an image, add it to the third slot. See an example of a banner.

Submenus are automatically displayed when the submenu parent name matches the parent page name. For example Join/Sub will appear with the page Join.

Main navigation, Join, Elements, Get inspired



This is a work-in-progress, as the categorization is based on the menu, and it conflicts with the automation created for the submenus. Ideally, there would be the following categories for making maintenance possible for bot tasks.

  • Category for inventory pages
    • Category for each inventory
      • Element pages
  • Category for element pages
    • Element pages
  • Category for event pages
    • Event pages
  • Category for post pages
    • Category for blog posts
    • Category for how-to's
    • Category for best practices
  • Other pages, categorized if needed



There are two style files (although one would have been enough).

Origin pages

  • The Origin page is created using Wikidata list (Listeria) and row templates.
  • The row template to create the elements on the the page is Smallbox.
    • Additional Smallboxheader template provides the opening div tag
    • The closing tag needs to be added after the end of the Wikidata list.
    • The SPARQL query for Listeria has been added at the creation time on the page. The source for the query exists in Originquery. If it needs to changed, it can be substituted with following the instructions below. The instructions are also added to the wikitext.
  • The page uses Origin as a template, that is substituted at creation time. It includes dynamic templates.

Preloaded elements and updating


Use this code to replace outdated content of an origin page. Use the code between BEGINREPLACE and ENDREPLACE to update an outdated query. Replace $1 with the ID used to construct the page, and $2 with the desired Commons image.

{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Main navigation|Elements|$2}}
{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Originheader|$1}}
<!--BEGINREPLACE: When you need to replace the query with an updated version, replace between this and ENDREPLACE with {{subst:Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Originquery|$1}} //-->
{{subst:<noinclude/>Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Originquery|$1}}
{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Originfooter|$1}}

Inventory pages


Preloaded elements and updating


Use this code to replace outdated content of an inventory page. Use the code between BEGINREPLACE and ENDREPLACE to update an outdated query. Replace $1 with the ID used to construct the page, and $2 with the desired Commons image.

{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Main navigation|Elements|$2}}
= {{labelT|$1}} =
<!--BEGINREPLACE: When you need to replace the query with an updated version, replace between this and ENDREPLACE with {{subst:Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Inventoryquery|$1}} //-->
{{subst:<noinclude/>Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Inventoryquery|$1}}
{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Inventoryfooter|$1}}

UNESCO element pages

  • The Elements page is created using Wikidata list (Listeria) and row templates.
  • The row template to create the elements on the the page is Smallbox.
    • Additional Smallboxheader template provides the opening div tag
    • The closing tag needs to be added after the end of the Wikidata list.
    • The SPARQL query for Listeria has been added at the creation time on the page. The source for the query exists in Unescoquery. If it needs to changed, it can be substituted with following the instructions below. The instructions are also added to the wikitext.
  • The page uses Unescopage as a template, that is substituted at creation time. It includes dynamic templates.
    • Unescoheader
      • The Pagenumbers template can be used to automatically create new pages by adding more elements. It can be modified for other inventories having more than 100 elements. Currently the number of items per page is 68, but it can be increased if the data read to the page can be reduced.
    • Unescofooter

Replace outdated query


Use this code to replace outdated content of an UNESCO elements page. Use the code between BEGINREPLACE and ENDREPLACE to update an outdated query. Replace $1 with the offset, and $2 with the desired Commons image. To update the pages, the limit and offset need to be added manually.

{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Main navigation}}
{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Unescoheader}}
<!--BEGINREPLACE: When you need to replace the query with an updated version, replace between this and ENDREPLACE with {{subst:Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Unescoquery|limit=68|offset=pagenumber * 68}} //-->
{{subst:<noinclude/>Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Unescoquery|limit=68|offset=$1}}
{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Unescofooter}}

Element page


Element page is created for any heritage element when the user clicks on a heritage element image in any of the lists.

The dynamic content of an element page


Use this code to replace outdated parts of an element page. Use the code between BEGINREPLACE and ENDREPLACE to update an outdated query. Replace $1 with the ID used to construct the page, and $2 with the desired Commons image. Be careful not to override materials contributed to the page directly by users.

<languages /><translate></translate>
{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Main navigation|Elements|$2}}
= {{labelT|$1}} =
{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Element/Data|$1}}
{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Element/Introduction|$1}}
{{subst:<noinclude/>Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Element/Texts}}

{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Element/Wikipedia articles|$1}}
<!--BEGINREPLACE: When you need to replace the query with an updated version, replace between this and ENDREPLACE with {{subst:Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Elementquery|$1}} //-->
{{subst:<noinclude/>Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Elementquery|$1}}
{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Element/Images|$1}}
{{subst:<noinclude/>Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Element/References}}
<references />
{{Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Element/Further reading|$1}}
{{subst:<noinclude/>Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Element/Texts}}

Page template to be preloaded


The page template Element (and its translations) should match this code.

SPARQL query



Individual parts of the page


When a section needs updating, edit the template files below.

Header, Data, Introduction, Texts, Wikipedia articles, Images, References, Further reading



The content is translated on the pages as well in Wikidata.

See also the how-to page.

Content Translation


All pages can be marked for translation. Generally, the page names are not translated Some of the pages have nothing to translate, as all the content localization happens in Wikidata. In those cases, the page can be marked for translation, and an empty translate tag added. The only translatable item can be the page name.

Translatable page are scattered around the site. Using the link below will make it easier to access all translations.



Content pages include links to Wikidata as well as automated TABernacle lists to make translating accessible for all users.

Creating activities


There are workflows for automatically creating events

Create a country page


Clicking on a country button on the Organizers page creates a country page. The button uses template Countrybutton and preloads page Country.

  • Automatic cross-linking with the country's Origin page
  • List of activities by querying Wikidata
  • Adding new activities to Wikidata by entering a cradle form for creating activities for Wiki Loves Living Heritage.
  • Participating communities by using a template Participating. It allows to add a list of QIDs and then displays the contact boxes.
  • Participating individuals by adding their names in a table.

Create and display an activity

  • Activities are created by adding them into Wikidata. The cradle form for creating activities for Wiki Loves Living Heritageadds the right properties. The form can be accessed from
    • The organizers page
    • The country pages
  • There are several places where the activities list is displayed.
    • Main page: Filtered by only upcoming, as content boxes.
    • A yet unlinked page Activities, unfiltered as a list.
    • Organizers page, unfiltered as a list
    • Country pages, filtered by country

Creating publications


Publications are created similarly by adding their data to Wikidata and creating a templated page on the Wiki Loves Living Heritage site. Publish is a page to add and manage publications.

Create a publication


Publications are displayed in the following places

  • List of all publications in the Publish page (editorial backstage). Currently uses the public Howtopublic template, a mechanism for making a list that also shows the unpublished articles and allows to create templated articles is still under construction.
  • List of how-to's on the Get inspired page, based on the Howtopublic template. The template only displays the link if the article exists. Additional condition for the publishing fate must be added.
  • The best practices section is still missing on the Get inspired page. It will be using the boxed list with images. It needs to be transcluded from a subpage in order not to have two Listeria lists on the same page.
  • The latest blog posts on the main page will have a completely new layout that uses visuals more. Work-in-progress.



Best practice

  • Uses xx template for public display and Articleedit for admin display.
  • Page template is xx


  • Uses xx template for public display and Articleedit for admin listing.
  • Page template is xx



Contacts are maintained in a spreadsheet and exported to the pages by the project coordinators. This allows to only display public data. Anyone can add public personal data directly on the page, and it will be maintained in any updates. Subpages for world regions are being prepared to make the page more lightweight.

Bot jobs


Some of the content in the Wiki Loves Living Heritage website can only be manually created. Templates and preloads have been created to make it effortless. Being exposed to these cryptic pages makes it alienating for non-wikimedians. The solution could be to automate much of these tasks, so the likelihood of running into such content would not be as high.

T331766 Wiki Loves Living Heritage website
T331769 Bot operations for page creation and site maintenance for Wiki Loves Living Heritage
T331771 Create new heritage element pages
T331772 Create content elements in the heritage element pages
T331781 Update Listeria lists
T331782 Mark pages for translation again after Listeria update

Commons campaign

?campaign={{urlencode:Wiki Loves Living Heritage}}

Phabricator ticket:

Finnish sauna

Test link,Q113039042,Q113039042




Important resources