Wiki Lockdown is an online initiative for increasing awareness on the use of Wikipedia, Sign Up, edit articles, Upload pictures in Commons, Contribute to Wikipedia community and Projects. Basically, the idea behind this is to train some undergraduates, Workers, Unemployed who are affected by COVID19 lockdown on a new skill as they await for the resumption of their various daily activities.

Wiki Lockdown

The Online training will take place on weekends on Telegram/Google Meet starting from 19th Sept, 26th Sept, and 3rd Nov. 2020. We will be training on:

- General Usage of Wikimedia (Wikipedia) and Sign up

- How to Edit a Wikipedia article

- How to upload and Use pictures on Wiki Commons

Amazing prizes are also available for exceptional participants.

Project Goals


This project is designed to achieve four main goals:

  • To freely recruit new editors into the Wikimedia movement during the Pandemic.
  • To Increase contents on Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia
  • To bridge contents gap on Wikimedia projects





Project Outreach Dashboard : Here