

If you are a female contributor living in this country, your perspective is wanted
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The official language of Nigeria is English. This country has 521 languages with the most spoken languages are Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, Fulfulde, Kanuri, and Ibibio. This linguistic diversity is classified into three major family languages: Afroasiatic, Nilo-Saharan, and the Niger–Congo. The country currently does not have a Wikimedia chapter, and efforts to create one is unknown.

  • English language Wikipedia is one of the most popular sites in the country, rangking 9th in December 2011.[1] In December 2011, there were 1,900 people and 400 women of all ages from Nigeria who were interested in Wikipedia on Facebook.[2]
  • Yoruba language Wikipedia rank 84 out of 280 languages Wikipedia with 1,2 million page view per month. It has 5 active contributors (more than five edits per month) and 2 very active contributors (more than 100 edit per month)
  • Igbo language Wikipedia rank 162 out of 280 languages Wikipedia with 251,000 page view per month. It has 0 active contributors and 0 very active contributor in December 2011.
  • In January 2012 Hausa language Wikipedia rank 244 out of 280 languages Wikipedia with 62,000 page view per month. It has 0-2 active contributors (more than five edits per month) and 0 very active contributors (more than 100 edits per month) in December 2011.
  • Kanuri language Wikipedia rank 271 out of 280 language Wikipedia, contributor is non existent. Other languages Wikipedia is non existent.
Volunteer projects, popularity, readership, and contribution

In December 2011, according to Alexa, Wikibooks was ranked the 1,631th most popular site in the country.[3]

There are no women from this country who are administrators on incubator and no active women editors from this country. The project has few participants overall, with only 44 users identified as female and 516 identified as male. There are no bureaucrats, male or female, from this country on MediaWiki.Org.[4]

Nigerian women perspective to free knowledge


Women in Nigeria

In Nigeria, women's role were primarily governed by regional and ethic differences. In the north area, where Islamic practices were still common, education beyond primary school was restricted to the elites women. But, the establishment of women's secondary school, teacher college, and more women holding university placed, made a few women were appearing at all levels of offices and professional occupations. However, even with educated wives, women's presence at social gatherings was nonexistent or very restricted. Women in the south, especially the Yoruba peoples, had received Western style education since 19th century, so they occupied positions in the professionals and to some extend in politics.

A national feminist movement was inaugurated in 1982, and a national conference held at Ahmadu Bello University. The papers presented there indicated a growing awareness by Nigeria's university-educated women that the place of women in society required a concerted effort and a place on the national agenda; the public perception, however, remained far behind. Although women's status would undoubtedly rise, for the foreseeable future Nigerian women lacked the opportunities of men.

The Foundation

During the December 2011 fundraising appeal, no Nigerians, men or women, were featured as part of the appeal. During the 2011 Summer of Research, the WMF hired eight research fellows. Of these, only one was female, and she was from the United States. There were four males from American universities, The other researchers included men from a Japanese university, a Swiss university and a Canadian university. There were no research fellows, male or female, from this country.