WikiWomenCamp/FAQ/Biographies/Beatriz Busaniche

Beatriz Busaniche


Beatriz Busaniche is one of the principle organizers of WikiWomenCamp and is handling most of the on the ground work in Argentina, where she serves at the Executive Director of Wikimedia Argentina. She has been a free software activist since 2003, is a member of Vía Libre Foundation, was a founding member of Wikimedia Argentina. Currently public leader of Creative Commons in Argentina.[1] She became involved on Wikipedia in 2006 on the Spanish version and has been active ever since.[1]

Busaniche is a forty-one year old from Río Gallegos, Argentina, and speaks four languages: Spanish (native), English (expert), French (beginner), and Portuguese (beginner).[2] In 1994, she graduated from the National University of Rosario with a Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication with a focus on mass media. In 2011, she earned a Masters of Intellectual Property from FLACSO Argentina.[1] She is writing a Master thesis on Intellectual Property and Human Rights.[1] Professionally, she serves at the public leader of Creative Commons in Argentina, and is a part time professor at the University of Buenos Aires in Social Sciences field.[1] She has served as the project Manager for Vía Libre Foundation, a free software and free culture organization based in Argentina.[2]

In her work with Wikimedia Argentina, she has accomplished several notable things. In her role of founder and Executive Director, involvement dating to 2007, she has handled press contacts, events coordination, translations and GLAM Projects. In November 2008, she ran a Wikipedia Academy with Jimmy Wales, helping to handle press contacts and event logistics. In 2008 and 2009, she was involved with Wikimanía 2009 International Wikimedia Conference held in Buenos Aires. She served as the Logistics General Coordinator and Press coordinatior. [2][3]

She has presented and participated at a number of conferences including Wikimania 2010, [4], International Simposium on public policy for digital heritage in Sao Paulo, Brazil, [5], World Social Forum, “Women in Free Software” Conference at Centro Cultural de la Cooperación, Conference at Centro Cultural de la Cooperación, Festival on Free Culture and Copyleft in FM La Tribu, Free software and free culture conference in Santo Domingo, 8th Regional Free Software conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Free knowledge, Free Technology Conference in Spain, OLPC workshop for teachers in Colonia, Uruguay, CONSOL, National Free Software Conference, “WIPO and WTO Negotiations in Intellectual Property” Conference, WIPO General Assembly in September 2007, and communicado Conference to name a few.[2]

Her personal blog is

Busaniche has published a number of works:

  • Comments on “Issue Papers”. UN Working Group on Internet Governance. Vía Libre Foundation & Free Software Foundation Europe on “Intellectual Property Rights” and “Cybersecurity and Cybercrime” Online at­Papers.html (2005)
  • “Between Words and Actions: Civil Society and Education at World Summit on Information Society”, Beatriz Busaniche – Diego Levis. ITID Information Technologies and International Development, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) together with Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard Law School. Volume 1, Issue 3­4 (Spring/ Summer 2004) Pages 97­99 (2003 ) ISSN:1544­7529
  • Editor and contributor, “Argentina Copyleft. La crisis del modelo de derecho de autor y las prácticas para democratizar la cultura”. Heinrich Böll Foundation. Vía Libre Foundation Editores. (2010) ISBN 978­987­22486­7­3
  • Editor and contributor, “Libres de monopolios sobre el conocimiento y la vida. Hacia una convergencia de movimientos” (Southern Cone edition). 2009. ISBN 978­987­22486­6­6
  • Editor, “Voto electrónico. Los riesgos de una ilusión” Via Libre Foundation (2009). Online at http://­content/uploads/2009/03/evoto.pdf (In Spanish) ISBN 978­987­22486­5­9
  • Contributor, “Apropriações Tecnológicas ­ Emergência de textos, idéias e imagens do Submidialogia#3” karla Brunet. Edufba, Salvador Brazil (2008) Online at (In Portuguese)
  • Editor and contributor, “Libres de monopolios sobre el conocimiento y la vida: Hacia una convergencia de movimientos” (Central America Edition) Vía Libre Foundation. (2008). Online at­content/uploads/2007/03/mabi.pdf (In Spanish)
  • Contributor, UNESCO Uruguay “Guía Práctica sobre Software Libre, su selección y aplicación local en América Latina y el Caribe”. Online at­ content/uploads/2007/11/gsl.pdf ISBN 92­9089­103­3
  • Contributor, “Medios informáticos en la educación” Diego Levis and Roxana Cabello. Prometeo Editors. (2007) (In Spanish)
  • Contributor, Dossier Copy/South – Law School, Kent University – Canterbury, UK Online at https:// (2007) (English and Spanish available)
  • Editor and contributor, “MABI: Monopolios Artificiales sobre Bienes Intangibles” Via Libre Foundation (2007) http://­content/uploads/2007/03/mabi.pdf (In Spanish) ISBN 978­987­22486­2­8
  • Contributor, Saperi del Futuro – Analisi di donne sulla societá della comunicazione. Editrice Missionaria Italiana. Bologna. Italia. (2006). (In Italian)
  • Contributor, “Visions in process II: The World Summit on the Information Society” – Heinrich Böll Foundation. Berlín­ Germany (2005).Online at (In English)
  • Contributor, Democracia y Ciudadanía en la Sociedad de la Información: Desafíos y articulaciones regionales. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Compilation. (2005). (In Spanish)
  • Editor, “Prohibido Pensar, Propiedad Privada” Vía Libre Foundation, (2005) Online at http://­content/uploads/2006/11/prohibidopensarpropiedadprivada.pdf (In Spanish) ISBN 978­987­22486­1­3
  • Contributor, “¿Un mundo Patentado? La privatización de la vida y el conocimiento”. Heinrich Böll Foundation. (1st. Edition El Salvador 2004. 2nd. Edition Buenos Aires 2005) Online at (In Spanish)
  • "Die Freiheit, die wir meinen" Die Renaissance der Gemeingüter. INKOTA­Brief 153 ­ September 2010 Online at­brief/153/beatriz­busaniche/ #c3880 (in German)
  • “Brief guide to Public Domain in Argentina” in spanish. Online at­guia­hacia­el­dominio­publico­en­argentina/ (2010)
  • “El dilema del Copyright en el campo del Software” Master on Intellectual Property. Online at­dilema­del­copyright­en­el­campo­del­software/ (2010)
  • “Los límites del derecho de marcas en el campo de los dominios de internet”. Master on Intellectual Property. Online at­limites­del­derecho­de­ marcas­en­el­campo­de­los­nombres­de­dominio­de­internet/ (2010)
  • “Copyright y diversidad cultural”. Master on Intellectual Property. Online at­copyright­y­la­diversidad­cultural/ (2010)
  • “Algunas notas sobre el proyecto de modificación de la ley de derechos de autor en Brasil. Una mirada desde Argentina” (notes on brazilian authors rights law project from an argentine perspective) Online at­notas­ sobre­el­proyecto­de­reforma­de­la­ley­de­derechos­de­autor­en­brasil/
  • “La privatización del dominio público: un proceso silencioso” (Public domain privatization: a silence process). La Nación Newspaper. Nov. 19th. 2009. Online at
  • “Las sillas vacías de la Agenda Digital Argentina” (Empty chairs in the digital agenda discussion in Argentina). Canal­ar. June 18th. 2009. Online at http://www.canal
  • “El panóptico de Mauricio” (Mauricio's panopticon, a critic on video­surveillance policy in Buenos Aires City). Canal­ar. Jun 4th. 2009. Online at noticiamuestra.asp?Id=7467
  • “¿Qué se celebra en el día mundial de la propiedad intelectual?” (What do we celebrate on Intellectual Property day?). Together with Federico Heinz. April 26th. 2009. La Nación Newspaper. Online at nota_id=1122251&pid=6315263&toi=6279 English version at­do­we­celebrate­on­ip­day/
  • “Introduzca el sobre en la urna, pero guarda que patea” (The dark side of electronic voting). Crítica de la Argentina Newspaper. April 18th. 2008. Online at[2]

  1. a b c d e Busaniche, Beatriz (27 December 2011). "Bea's Biography". Wikiwomen (Mailing list). Retrieved 28 December 2011. 
  2. a b c d e Busaniche, Beatriz (September 2010). "Curriculum Vitae" (PDF). Retrieved 28 December 2011. 
  3. "Wikimanía 2009 International Wikimedia Conference". 2009. 
  4. _Argentina "Digitization of Cultural Heritage in Argentina" Check |url= scheme (help). 
  5. "International Simposium on public policy for digital heritage".