WikiWomenCamp/Agenda/Dealing With Abuse on Wikipedia


  • Netha Hussain (facilitator)
  • Kartika Sari
  • Anja Ebersbach
  • Laura Hale
  • Béria Lima
  • Kounila Keo
  • Charnele Foster
  • Maria Sefidari
  • Beatriz Busaniche
  • Andrea Kleiman
  • Susana Correa
  • Ál Cano
  • Anastasia Lvova
  • Siska Doviana


  • Kartika Sari: Was harassed as a newbie. And even when asked to stop - after became a more experienced user - still engaged in some problems.
  • Anja: After the invitation to WWC, some man complain that should have a camp only to men as well. She never experienced any problem for being a woman in WMDE board or community.
  • Laura Hale: Never had problems as a contributor, but some with articles about women, about content and some with USA-centrism.
  • Béria Lima: Had faced harassment on-wiki and off-wiki (of rape, death, abusive mails, talk page hate messages and vandalisms). In the beginning she fight back, but now she just ignore them, as normaly some other admin now take care of problems from vandalism.
  • Kounila Keo: Journalism in her country (Cambodia) is comsidered a man carrer, and therefore there are not many woman on it. There is, therefore, a lot of discrimination from men, and don't have her opinion as valued as the man. When the harassment is too big she fight back but normally can create more problems. In Cambodia is also quite dangerous to be a journalist, and one did got killed some time ago, which makes lots of her female friends don't want to pursue the profession, even after have a degree on it. The culture is normally based on silence, so there are not many protests in order to change the situation. The community of Khmer Wikipedia is very small so there is not that much problem but there are not many women, and man don't take woman seriously. She also believes that young Cambodians girls needs female roll models.
  • Charlene Foster: When you make a commitment to make the chapter going, since you don't see any growing happening she might classified as a problem. If you take to the board perspective, a lot had done in that area in South Africa, but the reality girls still suffer many abuses, but as married or single woman. Some man thing that they are losing their power for woman and therefore there rea not many of them who look nicelly to them. Statistic is there are 7 woman to 1 man in South Africa, and therefore they are normally very spoiled. So, they might be a very sucessuful publicy but still be demolish in her home after get home. Other thing is that woman who have different sex preferences are highly discrimated, to the point to be raped and murdered only for being lesbian (while the gay man are much more toleratede due to the tradition of gays being spiritual healers and also because that community is economically influenced). Human traffic is very big in South Africa and the victims are normally younger woman. There are not female editors in African languages and she believes that race is a bigger issue than gender.
  • Maria Sefidari: She can't say that she suffered any abuse in wikipedia, since her username is very gender neutral. She also had been hit on sometimes but that isn't that often. She knows some examples of girls who faced some problems and she helps those girls to face it on wiki, or to contact some authority if is outside Wikipedia.
  • Beatriz Busaniche: In Argentina they have serious gender issues related to domestic abuses and kidnapping with the purpose of prostitution. There are at least 250 murders of women per year (according with official statistics - who she believes are manipulated). The president of Argentina (who is a woman) have no Gender agenda. Abortion is illegal in Argentina, so there is too many deaths from girls to get abortions illegaly. Regarding to Wikipedia, she does not face much problems for being a woman in Wikipedia, but sometimes she faces some problems for being an adm, but since she does not feed the trolls never escalates.
  • Andrea Kleiman: Andrea says that, even if in Argentina there are many prowerful women like the elected President, many national deputies and senators congresswomen and female judges in the Supreme Court, if a girl is raped in Argentina it is almost impossible to pursue the infractor. If those girls get pregnant they are "forced" to have the kid, because even those abortions (in case of rape) are illegal. The estimations are that at least 500.000 women do illegals abortions per year. There is a law that says that everyone can have sexual protection and sexual education, but the church does not allow it. In Wikipedia, she had lot of discussions with man because there is a lot of articles against woman, feminism and woman rights. She complains that woman are a minority and even if they speak, they are silenced by man.
  • Susana Correa: She almost didn't edit because she is more engaged in promoting wikipedia. Beyond be a girl or not, she cant understand why when she introduces a theme where she is an expert, someone delete half of the article. Last year she participated in a workshop about technology in a open TV where she was the only woman in her age and when the group was asked to create a wordpress post she offered herself many young girls and man which where surprised by her skills on programming. But weren't surprised with the man with similar age whit similar skills.
  • Ál Cano: When she started editing wikipedia, she found lots of gender problems in several articles. When she tried to fix it by using bibliography and other sources people reverted her by believing that this wasn't necessary or true.
  • Siska Doviana: Complains about the discrimination about newbies but not as much with experienced users.