WikiToLearn User Group/Reports/2019-20 Report

This page presents a brief overview of the activities of the WikiTolearn User Group both online and offline for the Jan 2019-Aug 2020 period.

  • As in previous periods, we focused on the creation of free content, on importing already existing material which was donated to the community, and on the development of the platform to make it suitable and user friendly to real-time usage in class. We have partnered with existing organization, in particular with the TechStation Padova group, to engage people on WikiToLearn and Wikimedia Foundation Projects. Channels this year were mostly in-person events, with our Telegram channels always active (>100 participants) although a bit more quiet. Our links continuing our collaboration with the world of academia and reaching university students and professors.
  • The number of readers of the imported content has dramatically grown compared with previous records: we set records throughout December 2019 (with 30.000 visitors) up to September 2020. In particular, we had a record month in June 2020 where over 50.000 unique visitors accessed the content.

Highlight activities for the reporting include:

  • 7-13 September: helping organizing KDE Akademy (with 200+ participants), and hosting the WikiToLearn meetup.
  • 21-23 November: Participation and mentoring of students on two multiple-days hackathon to introduce them to the world of open source development on WikiToLearn technologies
  • 3 June (2020): remote participation at End Summer Camp 2020 with a presentation of the WikiToLearn project.


  • One Google Summer of Code Student (Davide Briani) in 2020 to work on the new frontend for schools

Plans for the future

  • Keep widening the audience collaborating with WTL by hosting more generic and appealing content. Train teachers, in particular in secondary schools, to use open technologies (leveraging on the need that COVID made more evident) when adapting material for online learning
  • Improve the current software for the generation of PDFs (a MediaWiki plugin) in order to distribute them through Wikimedia Commons or Wikipedia articles.