WikiJournal User Group/Meetings/2024-05-01
WikiJournal User Group
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated
Dates and locations:
- May 01, 2024 12:00 PM UTC
- May 01, 2024 09:00 PM UTC
editFirst Meeting
editSecond Meeting
edit- Update on Journals
- Grant Application
- Board updates
- Thematic Organisation recognition process
- Affiliate reporting requirements
Meeting Notes
editNotes (First Meeting)
edit- Documentation
- How to find handling editors
- Navigating WikiJournal—how to find things, e.g., journals themselves, pre-prints, peer-reviewer reports, among many others.
- Images in Wikiversity - not used in articles (PDF)
- Deleting unpublished articles (preprints) protocol - do we have a protocol in place if not we should have one written and put on wiki for transparency?
- Question about Wikipedia articles as WikiJournal articles - the fact that published articles do not change, resolved the concern.
- Only minor edits allowed on WikiJournal Page
- Watchlist a page
- Mention to authors or editors to watch page
- May help with the Clarivate?
- Official article
- PDF is official article so need to think about how to communicate this to other
- 1 More article ready to publish
- 1-2 in pipelines
- Design effect is ready to to publish
- Pet Reptile Leopard Gecko almost ready to publish
- Brace route in process - authors are updating
- A few submission have been made - not yet looked into
- Mark Worthen would like to move from WikiJMed to PPB and is willing to help with admin and recruitment tasks for PPB.
- Alex Holcombe from WJS is also a psychologist and will move to PPB when it is ready to launch
- Check with Eric Youngstrom to see if previously-interested experts are still available to help launch the journal
- Thematic Organisation recognition process
- Survey - assessment of activities, code of conduct and risk associated
- Sent response
Notes (Second Meeting)
edit- Update on Journals
- WJM - Ask Roger for update
- WJS - See notes A
- Pet Reptile Leopard Gecko double check reply to reviewers is good, do read-through, then put acceptance decision to the board
- WJH - An author finished a revision
- Frances will have more time in second half of the year
- Active recruitment
- Skew of board member involvement
- Thomas will fix the word document template for volume 11 onwards (the dropdown box only has 1 to 10)
- Grant Application
- Need to do the affiliate reporting requirements soon - we have an annual report 2023
- Board updates
- Insurance
- Need to explore more options for the next year
- Alex could help by asking Free Journal Network DONE 2 May2024
- PLOS (Alex Holcombe was in touch with them about Thomas’ old efforts)
- A move was completed last year
- Follow up with Veronique
- Average citation of PLOS topic pages on Wiki are more
- Engaging more members
- Can we engage authors to help further?
- Concerns regarding finding own peer reviewers
- Help them spread the word
- Can we make updates to posters / flyers → potential give to authors to spread word
- Can we engage authors to help further?
- Deleted files
- Rejected files
- It is clearly stated when a preprint is rejected
- A recent author provided testimonial in support of our project. They wrote: “The amount of good quality feedback I got was more than I've ever experienced. In previous papers I often felt I needed to appease the reviewers, but that only a small portion of their feedback was actually useful. In our case, I feel over 95% of the feedback was spot on. Thank you for this opportunity! ”