WikiJournal User Group/Meetings/2020-10-09

WikiJournal User Group
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated

WikiJournal User Group is a publishing group of open-access, free-to-publish, Wikipedia-integrated academic journals. <seo title=" WJM, WikiJMed, Wiki.J.Med., WikiJMed, Wikiversity Journal User Group, WikiJournal WikiMed, Free to publish, Open access, Open-access, Non-profit, online journal, Public peer review "/>



Date: Friday, 9 October 2020 at 12:00 pm UTC



  • Review list of submissions and identify any that need discussion during call
  • Technical editor position is vacant.
    • How best to find potential applicants?
    • Increase hourly salary to have more candidates?
  • Mentored student and early career editors
  • Proposal for Annual Planning Grant to cover journal back office, technical etc?
    • Other things on wish list?
  • Issue of create a YouTube video for the [article name redacted] article on WikiJMed
  • New Wikidata overview


  • In absentia from Jack Nunn:
    • For grant, budget for developers to support creating new online tools
    • Make sure technical editor pay is a living wage in the country where the person is based?
  • Discussion of articles in process
    • Peer review coordinators needed
    • Discussion of the need to ensure someone from each WikiJ is able to attend the meeting (may not use how many can attend in favor of even coverage of journals)
  • Technical editor discussion
    • Example previous application
    • How to reach out to potential applicants
    • What is an appropriate salary?
    • Raising salary would increase interest and ability
    • Possibility to accept current students in this role
    • If change salary, should also re-contact previous technical editor to see if changes mind.
    • Should give more info on expected times (weekly total, and per task)
    • Selected $20 an hour at 5 hours a week
  • Mentored student and early career editors
    • Mentioned briefly in possible technical editor(s) discussion
    • Not gone in depth as main relevant editor not present for details
  • Question from new member
    • No welcome message (area of opportunity for us)
    • Need to understand our role
    • Looking at onboarding checklist, looks like it wasn’t completed. TS will send email.
  • Annual planning grant
    • We are applying to become a thematic organization
    • Criteria for annual plan grant is changed and we are now eligible
    • Indeed, we may no longer be eligible for rapid grant (technical editor)!
    • Capacity building. How have other thematic organizations handled this?
    • Need people with wikipedia grant experience to create the basic grant frame for the rest of us to fill out (Alaa and Gwinyai volunteer to start)
    • Items to estimate costs to include:
      • Technical editor(s) for simple processes / metadata checking
      • Developers & project manager for interface / tool improvements
        • Wish list (more in-depth descriptions needed for developers)
        • Especially Open Journal Systems integration
        • Multiple strong support expressed
      • Presentation at conferences (with some capped cost)
      • Invited speakers to our public meetings-stipend for speakers
      • Professional bodies (OASPA?)
  • Youtube vid production takes a lot of time.
    • Question of timing with making videos before articles are accepted versus delaying publication after acceptance to give Makeda (and/or others) more time to finish and release everything in time to synch vid and article release.
    • Why need to begin video prep early:
      • video editing can take 10s of hours
      • Synchronised publication and video increases reach & impact
    • Why authors may be cautious of being interviewed before article accepted
      • Cautious of wasting time if rejected?
      • Cautious of making erroneous comment that has to be changed during review?
      • Misunderstanding that video might be released before article acceptance?
    • Need to check with authors reason for not wanting to interview currently to allay specific fears.
  • WikiData
    • Can store all article, author, editor, reviewer data on WikiData and connect to our articles
    • Info from Wikidata will synchronise across to article, talkpage, issue summary, wikipedia copy (when relevant) and ensure Scholia is up to date
    • Example Article and its Wikidata Item
    • Authors that currently lack a wikidata item can be included as ‘author name string’
    • Author name strings can later be disambiguated with